What is the difference between teaching and training?

October 2022 · 6 minute read

Key Difference: The main difference between teaching and training is that teaching aims to impart knowledge, while training aims to improve performance.

Teaching usually takes place in a classroom setting, while training can be done in a variety of ways, including one-on-one sessions, group workshops, or online courses.

The major goal of training is to help people learn the skills they need to do their jobs better. However, teaching can also include training components, such as when a teacher provides students with exercises that will help them improve their skills.

What does teaching mean?

Teaching is the process of transferring knowledge and skills from one person to another.

It can involve formal education in a classroom setting, or it can be informal, such as when a parent teaches their child how to ride a bike.

Good teachers are patient and skilled at explaining difficult concepts in a way that students can understand.

They also need to be able to adapt their teaching methods to different students and situations. The best teachers are passionate about their subject matter and enjoy helping others learn.

What does training mean?

Training means the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or abilities through experience, education, or by being taught. It can also refer to the process of teaching someone how to do something.

In business, training is often provided to employees in order to improve their skills and help them be more productive.

The biggest benefit of training is that it can help employees learn new techniques and become more efficient in their work.

In general, training makes employees more valuable to their employer, which can lead to better job security and opportunities for advancement.

Teaching vs Training

One of the biggest differences between teaching and training is that teaching is more formal.

A teacher has a set curriculum that he or she must follow, whereas a trainer can tailor the lesson plan to meet the specific needs of the students.

Teaching also involves more interaction with students, while training typically takes place in a more hands-off environment.

Most importantly, teaching is about passing on knowledge, whereas training is about teaching people how to use that knowledge.

Main Differences

Important differences between teaching and training include –


The key difference between teaching and training is that the two terms have different purposes.

Teaching is the process of transferring knowledge and skills from one person to another, with the goal of educating students.

Training, on the other hand, is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or abilities through experience, education, or being taught with the goal of improving performance in a particular task or activity.


Another important difference between teaching and training is the process involved.

Teaching involves explaining difficult concepts in a way that students can understand, and adapting teaching methods to different students and situations.

Training, on the other hand, generally involves practicing a particular skill or activity until it becomes automatic.

Subject Matter

The subject matter of teaching is usually broader than that of training. Teachers need to be familiar with a wide range of topics in order to educate their students.

Trainers, on the other hand, typically specialize in one particular area, such as carpentry or first aid.

For example, in business, training may be given on specific software applications, while teaching may cover the use of computers in general.


The duration of teaching is usually longer than that of training.

Teaching generally takes place over the course of many years, as students progress through different levels of education.

Training, on the other hand, is often shorter in duration and may only last for a few days or weeks.

While there may be some exceptions, this is generally true across different fields. This is another reason why teaching is often seen as a more involved process than training.


The motivation for teaching is usually to help students learn and achieve their potential.

Teachers want their students to be successful in their academic pursuits and beyond. The motivation for training, on the other hand, is often more practical.

Trainers want their students to be able to perform well in a particular task or activity.

For example, a football coach is not typically motivated by helping students learn, but by helping them win games.


One of the key differences between teaching and training is the approach that is taken.

Teaching typically involves giving students information and allowing them to ask questions.

It is a more passive process than training, which often involves instruction followed by practice.

This difference can be seen in the way that teachers and trainers interact with their students.

Teachers encourage questioning and debate, while trainers typically give instructions and then monitor students as they practice.


The environment in which teaching and training take place can also be different.

Teaching often takes place in a classroom setting, where students are seated in front of a teacher who is standing at a podium.

Training, on the other hand, may take place in a variety of environments, such as a factory floor or an office.

This is because the focus of teaching is on transferring knowledge, while the focus of training is on practicing a particular skill or activity.

Are teaching and training similar?

Despite the different contexts in which teaching and training can take place, the main similarity between the two is that they both involve transferring knowledge or skills from one person to another.

Their similarities also extend to the goals of each activity – good teachers and trainers want their students or trainees to learn as much as possible.

What are the 3 types of teaching?

There are three main types of teaching:

  • Direct Instruction
  • Delegate Teaching Style
  • Discussion Method
  • Direct instruction is where the teacher stands in front of the class and delivers a lesson.

    The delegate teaching style is where the teacher delegates tasks to students who then teach each other.

    Discuss teaching style is where the teacher and students discuss concepts and ideas together.

    The 3 styles can be used together to create a more varied and effective learning environment.

    Why training is important?

    Training is important because it helps people learn the skills they need to do their jobs effectively.

    It can also help them improve their performance and become more productive.

    Training can also increase safety awareness and help people stay up-to-date on new technology or procedures.

    What is effective training?

    The term “effective training” can mean different things in different contexts.

    However, some key elements of effective training include providing learners with a clear overview of what they will learn and why it is important; breaking down information into manageable chunks; using a variety of teaching methods to keep learners engaged; and providing opportunities for learners to practice what they have learned.

    Effective training also takes into account the needs of different types of learners and provides appropriate support and feedback.
