What is the Difference Between Sycophancy and Obsequiousness

July 2022 · 3 minute read

The main difference between sycophancy and obsequiousness is that sycophancy refers to attempting to win favour from rich or influential people by flattering them, while obsequiousness refers to showing servile complaisance or deference.

Sycophancy and obsequiousness both refer to attempting to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage. Therefore, both terms are synonyms and are interchangeable in most cases. Furthermore, a sycophant is a noun referring to a person who sings others’ praises in order to gain personal advantage. Therefore, there is no significant difference between sycophancy and obsequiousness.   

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Sycophancy 
     – Definition, Characteristics, Examples
2. What is Obsequiousness
     – Definition, Characteristics
3. What are the Similarities Between Sycophancy and Obsequiousness
     – Outline of Common Features
4. What is the Difference Between Sycophancy and Obsequiousness
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Sycophancy, Obsequiousness

Difference Between Sycophancy and Obsequiousness - Comparison Summary

What is Sycophancy

Sycophancy is the quality of being sycophant. That is, flattering or praising powerful or rich people in a way that is not sincere. This kind of behaviour is usually done in order to get some advantage from rich or influential people. For example, a student trying to flatter a professor in order to gain good grades, or an employee praising his or her employer to gain person favour. We call a person who uses flattery and sycophancy as a sycophant.

This word actually comes from Latin sycophanta, from Greek sykophantēs, from sykon “fig” and phainein “to show, make known.”  Furthermore, bootlicking, fawning, brown-nosing, and obsequiousness are some synonyms for sycophancy.

What is Obsequiousness

Obsequiousness is the quality of showing servile complaisance or deference. An obsequious person is always too eager to help or agree with someone more powerful or important than them. Therefore, obsequious people always show overly submissive and obedient figure. In addition, they use flattery to get in the good graces of those more powerful and wealthier than them. Such people will always behave extremely well in front of superiors in order to please them.

What is the Difference Between Sycophancy and Obsequiousness

However, this kind of behaviour, i.e., flattery and submissiveness, is not sincere or genuine; it’s all an act to gain personal advantages.

Similarities Between Sycophancy and Obsequiousness

Difference Between Sycophancy and Obsequiousness


Sycophancy refers to attempting to win favour from rich or influential people by flattering them. Obsequiousness refers to showing servile complaisance or deference. Thus, by definition, this is the fundamental difference between sycophancy and obsequiousness.


In addition to the above, a sycophant may also show submissiveness and servility to people more powerful than him or her.

However, both these words refer to using flattery and other fawning ways to stay in the good graces of powerful authority figures. Therefore, there is no significant difference between sycophancy and obsequiousness


Sycophancy and obsequiousness are behaviours that involve attempting to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage. Therefore, there is no significant difference between sycophancy and obsequiousness. Sycophants and obsequious people usually show a very submissive and obedient front to people who are wealthier and more influential than them and use excessive praise and flattery. Fawning, bootlicking, brown-nosing, and servility are some other synonyms for sycophancy and obsequiousness. 


1. “Obsequious – Dictionary Definition.” Vocabulary.com, Available here.
2. “Sycophancy.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Nov. 2019, Available here.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Boss Employees Business Manager Group Of Workers” By Tumisu (Pixabay License) via Pixabay
