What is the Difference Between Sustainable Development and Green Development

April 2023 · 4 minute read

The main difference between sustainable development and green development is that sustainable development focuses on society, environment, culture, and economy, whereas green development strictly focuses on the environment.

Green and sustainable are two terms related to environmental awareness and preserving natural resources. Green development is a relatively new term and has multiple uses. Some use this term as a synonym for sustainable development. But it’s also important to note that in real estate, green development refers to developments that consider social and environmental impacts of development.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Sustainable Development  
      – Definition, Features
2. What is Green Development
     – Definition, Features
3. Relationship Between Sustainable Development and Green Development
     – Outline of Common Features
4. Difference Between Sustainable Development and Green Development
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Green Development, Sustainable DevelopmentDifference Between Sustainable Development and Green Development - Comparison Summary

What is Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is economic development that does not deplete natural resources. The Sustainable Development Commission defines it as “development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Furthermore, the main goal of sustainable development is to ensure a society where living conditions and resources continue to meet human needs without weakening the environment.  There are four elements in sustainable development: society, environment, culture, and economy. Moreover, these are intertwined concepts, not separate ones. Moreover, sustainable development extends to many fields, including economy, agriculture, technology, architecture, and politics.

Compare Sustainable Development and Green Development

Furthermore, the United Nations set up 17 goals of sustainable development in 2015 (as shown in the above figure). These are call to action for all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. Moreover, these goals are meant to be achieved by 2030.

What is Green Development

Green development is a concept that considers the social and environmental impacts of development. This concept is mainly relevant to the field of real estate development. It considers three aspects: environmental responsiveness, resource efficiency, as well as community and cultural sensitivity. Environmental responsiveness involves respecting the intrinsic value of nature and minimizing damage to the ecosystem. Resource efficiency involves the use of fewer resources to conserve energy and the environment, whereas community and cultural sensitivity involve recognizing and accepting the unique cultural values that each community hosts in development.

 Sustainable Development vs Green Development

Furthermore, protection of significant habitats, efficient use of land, energy, water, etc., protection of endangered species, consideration for archaeological treasures, and cultural resources are some important aspects to consider in green development. While this type of development supports nature and communities, it also remains economically viable for owners and tenants.

Generally, when we use the term ‘green’ in front of a word, we are not just referring to a colour, but we are referring to the protection of the environment. Moreover, interest in ‘green’ and environmental-friendly movement can be seen in many fields, from fashion, real estate to the economy.

Relationship Between Sustainable Development and Green Development

Difference Between Sustainable Development and Green Development


Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, whereas green development is a development that focuses on the environment.


Sustainable development focuses on society, environment, culture, and economy, whereas green development strictly focuses on the environment.


Both green and sustainable are two terms that describe environmental awareness and preserving natural resources. The main difference between sustainable development and green development is that sustainable development focuses on society, environment, culture, and economy, whereas green development strictly focuses on the environment.


1. “Sustainable Development.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 9 Sept. 2021.
2. “What Is Sustainable Development.” Sustainable Development Commission.
3. “Green Development.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Aug. 2021.

Image Courtesy:
1. “Sustainable Development Goals” By Unknown author – un.org (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Person, holding, green, crystal ball, nature, earth, sustainability, leaf, caution, cycle” (CC0) via Pxhere
