What is the Difference Between Push and Fetch

February 2022 · 4 minute read

Push and fetch are two options for the user to select when setting up his email account. They are used to send emails to the client from the server. The main difference between push and fetch is that the server initiates the push while the client has to initiate the fetch.

Therefore, from the above, we can understand that the difference between push and fetch depends on the side that initiates the process of sending the email from server to client. With push, it is not required for the client to check the server often as the mails are delivered automatically. On the other hand, with fetch, the client has to check the server at regular intervals to view the new emails. In overall, push is a better option when it is required to deliver emails instantly.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Push
     – Definition, Functionality
2. What is Fetch
     – Definition, Functionality
3. What is the Difference Between Push and Fetch
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Email, Fetch, Push

Difference Between Push and Fetch - Comparison Summary

What is Push

With push, the client device does not need to check the server continuously to see whether new emails have arrived. When the server receives an email, it automatically notifies the client and delivers that email. It also does not query the server in a regular manner. Push updates the server with the IP address. Therefore, the server can contact the client easily. Push does not support protocols such as POP, instead, it uses new protocols such as IMAP.

Difference Between Push and Fetch

What is Fetch

With fetch, the client always has to check the server to view the new emails. The interval checks can be configured to few minutes such as 15 minutes, 30 minutes or few hours such as 1 hour, 2 hours, etc. Longer intervals will take more time to receive emails. Reducing the interval will minimize the delay, but this will result in consuming more battery life whether a new email is received or not. There is no automatic delivery of emails. Fetch is slower and takes more time to respond than in Push.

Difference Between Push and Fetch


Push is an option that sends emails to client from the server automatically. Fetch is an option that requires the client to check the server constantly to view the latest mails.


The basic difference between push and fetch is that push is initialized by the server while fetch is initialized by the client.


The important difference between push and fetch is that with push, the emails will appear into the inbox instantly, similar to an SMS. With fetch, the users have to check the server constantly to see the newly arrived emails.


Also, as said previously, push sends the received mails to the client automatically. Therefore, push is faster than fetch.  Fetch is slower as the client has to check the server at regular intervals to see the new emails. Therefore, it takes longer to respond.

Power Consumption

Furthermore, since sending emails is done automatically, push consumes less power. But there should be a good internet connection to receive emails automatically. Fetch consumes more power as the client checks the server continuously at regular intervals.

Checking the Server

Moreover, push does not check the server in a regular manner like fetch.


Another difference between push and fetch is that the newer protocols such as IMAP support push but only the older precools such as POP support fetch.


Push and fetch are two options available when setting up the email account. The difference between push and fetch is that push is initiated by the server while fetch is initiated by the client. Push uses newer protocols while fetch uses older protocols. Email providers such as Google and Yahoo support both push and fetch options.


1. “Fetch Or Push? Set Your Email Accounts To Maximize Battery Life, Speed Of Delivery [IOS Tips].” Cult of Mac, Cult of Mac, 27 July 2015, Available here.

Image Courtesy:

1. “email” by Sean MacEntee (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr
