What is the Difference Between Prunes and Plums

April 2022 · 4 minute read

A plum is a relative of cherries, peaches, and almonds while a prune is a variety or a type of plum. Most varieties of plums have red skins when ripe, but prunes have blue or purple skins when ripe. Prunes are oval-shaped while other types of plums are either heart-shaped or round-shaped.

Is a plum and prune the same thing?

As it turns out, prunes are just dried plums. However, not all plums are prunes. The prune fruit comes from a different type of plant other than plums. So yes, dried plums are called prunes; but not all plums are prunes....

Do plums have the same laxative effect as prunes?

Studies that have evaluated the laxative effect of prunes and prune juice have generally examined the effects of a 100-gram serving of either prunes or prune juice. Though plums may have a similar laxative effect, “similar amounts of plums would be difficult to consume in a day,” Ms.

Which is better plums or prunes?

Prunes contain more vitamin K than plums and are somewhat higher in B vitamins and minerals. In addition, prunes are higher in calories, fiber and carbs than fresh plums. Summary: The vitamin and mineral content of plums and prunes differs slightly, but both are packed with nutrients.

Why do prunes make you poop and not plums?

Fact. This small, dried fruit has earned a big reputation as "nature's remedy" for constipation. Prunes (also called dried plums) are rich in insoluble fiber, as well as the natural laxative sorbitol.

Is it bad to eat a lot of plums?

you can die from eating too much of everything, but AFAIK plums are not inherently dangerous. ... Plums and prunes are known for their laxative effect. This effect has been attributed to various compounds present in the fruits, such as dietary fiber, sorbitol,[6] and isatin.

What plums are good for?

Plums are chock full of fiber, which helps slow down a blood sugar spike after you eat carbs. They can also boost your body's production of adiponectin, a hormone that helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Bone health. Research on animals shows prunes (dried plums) may help reduce bone loss, and may even reverse it.

Can I eat prunes everyday?

How many prunes should I eat per day? Dr. Hooshmand says how many prunes you should eat in a day depends on the size of the prunes themselves, but current research recommends 50 grams of prunes per day which is equal to about 5 to 6 prunes.

How many prunes do I need to poop?

The results of the study suggested that drinking 125 milliliters, or about half a cup, twice a day works as an effective laxative, at least in cases of mild constipation. When it comes to eating prunes for digestive issues, many studies base their findings on eating 100 g, or approximately 10 whole prunes, each day.

Do plums work as a laxative?

Often called "Nature's Remedy," prunes contain sorbitol, which has a natural, laxative effect in the body. Dried plums are also high in disease-fighting antioxidants and have both insoluble and soluble fiber. One cup of pitted, uncooked prunes contains 12 grams of fiber.

Do plums have a lot of sugar?

The average plum weighs about 78g and contains around 7.4g sugars, so it is not a high-sugar food. With all the vitamins and minerals plums contain, there are plenty of reasons to be eating them when they are in season.

When should you eat prunes?

Here are some easy ways to add prunes to your diet:

How many prunes can a diabetic eat daily?

For example, you could eat two whole plums or three small dried prunes for the same 15 grams of carbs. If you eat based on the glycemic index (GI) -- a measure of how much certain foods raise your blood sugar -- most fruits are fine because their fiber puts them low on the index.
