What is the Difference Between Primulas and Polyanthus

January 2023 · 4 minute read

The main difference between primulas and polyanthus is that primulas are a group of herbaceous flowering plants of the family Primulaceae whereas polyanthus is one of the two main types of primulas having several flower heads on each of the main stems. Furthermore, the second type of primulas is the acaulis type while polyanthus produces a cluster of flowers.  

Primulas and polyanthus are two groups of flowering plants native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere. The main types of primulas are primrose, auriculacowslip, and oxlip. 

Key Areas Covered 

1. What are Primulas
     – Definition, Distribution, Features
2. What are Polyanthus
     – Definition, Features, Types
3. What are the Similarities Between Primulas and Polyanthus
     – Outline of Common Features
4. What is the Difference Between Primulas and Polyanthus
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms 

Acaulis Type, False Oxlip, Main Stem, Polyanthus, Primulas

Difference Between Primulas and Polyanthus - Comparison Summary

What are Primulas 

Primulas is a genus of many herbaceous flowering plants. Moreover, their main species are primrose (P. vulgaris) are P. auricula (auricula), P. veris (cowslip) and P. elatior (oxlip). Generally, primulas are valuable as ornamental flowers. Therefore, around 500 species of primulas have been extensively cultivated and hybridized. In addition, they are native to the temperate Northern hemisphere as well as to the south into tropical mountains in Ethiopia, Indonesia, and New Guinea, and in temperate southern South America.

Difference Between Primulas and Polyanthus

Figure 1: Primula vulgaris, The Common Primrose  

Furthermore, primulas bloom during the early spring. Their flowers often appear in spherical umbels on stout stems, arising from basal rosettes of leaves. Moreover, the colours of their flowers can be purple, yellow, red, pink, blue, or white.  Additionally, primulas can be grown either as annuals or biennials.  

What are Polyanthus 

Polyanthus is one of the two types of primulas. It produces several, long-stalked umbels among the leaves. Therefore, each stalk has several flower heads. Generally, polyanthus is a hybrid of cowslip (Primula veris) and the common primrose (Primula vulgaris) and the resulting hybrid is commonly known as false oxlip. 

Primulas vs Polyanthus

Figure 2: Primula veris, The Common Cowslip

Furthermore, the second type of primulas is the acaulis type. It produces individual short stems among the leaves, producing a single flower on each stem. 

Similarities Between Primulas and Polyanthus 

Difference Between Primulas and Polyanthus 


Primulas refer to the many kinds of cultivated plants as ornamental, bearing flowers in a wide variety of colours in the spring. In contrast, polyanthus refers to a complex hybrid between the wild primrose and primulas cultivated in Europe. Thus, this is the main difference between primulas and polyanthus.


Moreover, primulas are herbaceous, flowering plants with a cluster of flowers on several stems while polyanthus has several flower heads in the main stem. Hence, this is another difference between primulas and polyanthus.


The two types of primulas are the acaulis type and polyanthus type while polyanthus is a type of primulas. 


Primulas are a group of flowering plants native to the temperate Northern hemisphere. Moreover, they produce a cluster of flowers on top of the plant; each individual flower is on a separate stem. Generally, they bloom in the early spring. On the other hand, polyanthus is a type of primulas with several flowers on the main stem. Also, polyanthus produces several main stems on the plant. However, the main difference between primulas and polyanthus is the number of flowers on the main stem. 


1.  “Primroses and Polyanthus.” Gardenia, Available Here.
2. “How To Grow – Polyanthus.” Gardening Direct, Available Here.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Prolećno cveće 3” By Pokrajac assumed – Own work assumed(CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia   
2. “Primula veris 230405” By BerndH – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia   
