What is the Difference Between Landing Page and Home Page

April 2023 · 4 minute read

The main difference between landing page and home page is that landing page is a special web page that appears because of an online advertisement or a search engine optimization result while home page is the main page of a web site or a browser.

Most business organizations maintain websites to increase the number of customers and to increase profits. Customers can obtain information about the products and services offered by an organization using a website. Companies also provide access to their services online. For example, educational websites provide learning material to users through their websites. Users can order and purchase products online from eCommerce websites. Landing page and home page are two components in websites.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Landing Page
     – Definition, Functionality
2. What is Home Page
     – Definition, Functionality
3. Difference Between Landing Page and Home Page
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Landing Page, Home Page, Website

Difference Between Landing Page and Home Page - Comparison Summary

What is Landing Page

A landing page is a special web page that helps to drive traffic for a marketing campaign. It can be a sign-up page, product selling page or an information gathering page. Usually, landing pages are not very complicated with many options. Instead, a landing page performs a specific task.  As it mainly used for marketing tasks, a landing page is connected with social media.

Difference Between Landing Page and Home Page

Moreover, a landing page helps to direct visitors to the website, thereby improving business and increasing sales. For example, a landing page can ask the visitor to click a link and it can direct the visitor to a page like a shopping cart. It is possible to analyze the activity using the linked URL. Moreover, the marketer or the organization can use click-through rates and conversion rate to find how successful the advertisement was. 

What is Home Page

The home page is the main page of the website. When the visitor types the name of the website address in a search engine, it is the home page that will open. In other words, it is the first page the visitor visits when entering the website. Moreover, the home page contains navigation links to other pages, recent articles, etc. For example, in an education website, the main page contains links to tutorials pages of various subjects. Likewise, in an e-commerce website, the main page contains links to product pages and other services. Therefore, the visitor can go to other pages starting from the home page.

Main Difference - Landing Page vs Home Page

Some websites allow visitors to create an account for themselves. When the users log in, the home page redirects to the users’ profile page. It is similar to a personal home page. Furthermore, the home page sometimes works as a landing page to increase the number of visitors to the website. Furthermore, the first page of the web browser is also called the home page.

Difference Between Landing Page and Home Page


A landing is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement whereas home page is the initial or main web page of a website or a browser. These definitions explain the main difference between landing page and home page.

Other names

Moreover, a landing page is also called the lead capture page, static page or destination page. Home page, on the other hand, is also called the start page, main page.


Another difference between landing page and home page is that landing page is designed specifically for a task such as sign up, product selling, marketing purpose, etc. while home page is the main page that a visitor lands when visiting a specific website.


WWW consist of millions of websites. There are various technologies to develop websites such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Angular, etc. A website consists of multiple webpages. Landing page and home page are two types of web pages. The main difference between landing page and home page is that landing page is a special web page that appears because of an online advertisement or a search engine optimization result while home page is the main page of a web site or a browser.


1.“Landing Page.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Feb. 2019, Available here.
2.“Home Page.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Mar. 2019, Available here.

Image Courtesy:

1.”1622825″ via Pixabay
2.”EnglishWikipedia 29June2017″ By Wikimedia Foundation (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
