What is the Difference Between Essentialism and Perennialism

August 2022 · 3 minute read

Essentialism is an educational philosophy that strives to ensure that students acquire a common core of knowledge in a systematic, disciplined way. In contrast, perennialism is an educational philosophy that states one should teach the things that are of everlasting importance to all individuals everywhere.

What are the differences between Perennialism essentialism progressivism and Reconstructionism?

Perennialism focuses on the teaching of great works. There are three types of student-centered philosophies of education. Progressivism focuses on developing the student's moral compass. Reconstructionism is the perspective that education is the means to solve social problems.

What is the difference between essentialism and progressivism?

Essentialism is structured, focused on accountability and meeting standards. Progressivism is child-centered, encourages active learning, and realizes that education is not just a preparation for life. ... Essentialism is considered the “conservative” theory and progressivism is considered the “liberal” theory.

What is the concept of Perennialism?

Perennialism is a teacher-centered educational philosophy that focuses on everlasting ideas and universal truths. To clarify, Perennialism suggests that the focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted for centuries believing the ideas are as relevant and meaningful today as when they were written.

What is essentialism philosophy?

Essentialism, In ontology, the view that some properties of objects are essential to them. ... The “essence” of a thing is conceived as the totality of its essential properties. Theories of essentialism differ with respect to their conception of what it means to say that a property is essential to an object.

What do you teach Perennialism?

Perennialists believe that the focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted over centuries. They believe the ideas are as relevant and meaningful today as when they were written. They recommend that students learn from reading and analyzing the works by history's finest thinkers and writers.

Who is the father of Perennialism?

Perennialism was originally religious in nature, developed first by Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century in his work De Magistro (On the Teacher).

Why is essentialism important?

Essentialism tries to instill all students with the most essential or basic academic knowledge and skills and character development. The teachers or administrators decide what is most important for the students to learn with little regard to the student interests. ...

What is the aim of essentialism?

Essentialist goals are to instill students with the “essentials” of academic knowledge, patriotism, and character development through traditional (or back-to-basic) approaches thus modern essentialists favour going “back to the basics” of the traditional curriculum.

What is progressivism by John Dewey?

Dewey (1938) described progressive education as “a product of discontent with traditional education” which imposes adult standards, subject matter, and methodologies (no page number). He believed that traditional education as just described, was beyond the scope of young learners.

What is an example of Perennialism?

The goal of a perennialist education is to teach students to think rationally and develop minds that can think critically. ... For example, reading, writing, speaking, and listening are emphasized in the early grades to prepare students in later grades to study literature, history, and philosophy.

Is Perennialism traditional or modern?

In terms of their general characteristics perennialism and essentialism philosophies are classified as traditional philosophies while progressivism and re-constructionism philosophies are known as modern philosophies (Ornstein and Hunkins, 1993).

Is Perennialism teacher centered?

Perennialism is one example of a teacher-centered philosophy of education. It emphasizes understanding of great works of art, literature, history and other fields as timeless pieces of human development that everyone should understand in order to create stable, shared cultures.
