What is the Difference Between Continuous and Discontinuous Variation

May 2023 ยท 1 minute read

The main difference between continuous and discontinuous variation is that continuous variation shows an unbroken range of phenotypes of a particular character in the population whereas discontinuous variation shows two or more separate forms of a character in the population.

What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous variation quizlet?

What is the genetic basis of discontinuous and continuous variation? Both types of variation may be the result of more than one gene. However, in discontinuous variation, if there is more than one gene involved, the genes interact in an epistatic way where one gene masks or influences the expression of another gene.

What are examples of discontinuous variation?

Which are examples of discontinuous variation? Discontinuous: Eye colour, handedness & lobed/lobeless ears. Continuous: Hand span, arm length & height.

What is the definition of discontinuous variation?

biology. : abrupt variation in which there are few or no intermediate forms.

Is hair Colour continuous or discontinuous variation?

Sex, blood group, type of hair line on the head, all of these have distinct categories that would be individual from person to person. Continuous variation is the opposite, and these are genetic traits that change, like height, hair colour, shoe size.
