What is the Difference Between Confidence and Cocky

March 2022 · 4 minute read

The main difference between confidence and cocky is that cockiness/being cocky involves conceit and overconfidence, which often stems from insecurity while confidence involves self-assurance, which comes from an understanding of one’s abilities or qualities.

Confidence comes from your pride and belief in your own abilities and achievements. Being confident is a very good trait, but being cocky is not. Cocky means conceited and boldly or brashly self-confident. Sometimes, it is only a very fine line between confidence and cocky.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Confidence 
     – Definition, Features
2. What is Cockiness
     – Definition, Features
3. What is the Difference Between Confidence and Cocky
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Confidence, CockyDifference Between Confidence and Cocky- Comparison Summary

What is Confidence

Confidence is a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement. In other words, it is the self-assurance that comes from an understanding of one’s abilities or qualities. Confidence comes from true self-worth – from one’s pride and belief in one’s own abilities and achievements. They also possess a sense of inner calm that stems from their self-assurance.

Difference Between Confidence and Cocky

A confident person is not blind to one’s own flaws and has no problem admitting to being wrong. This is because he is willing to learn from his flaws and mistakes. Moreover, confident people are aware that they don’t know everything and are happy to learn what they don’t know. They know that they are no better or worse than others. Therefore, they have no problem listening to others and learning from them. Unlike cocky people, confident people don’t act superior to others and boast about themselves.

What is Cockiness

The word cocky is used to describe who is conceited or confident in a very brash or bold way. This word usually has a negative connotation as it characterized by an offensive display of conceit, superiority or self-importance. Moreover, we usually use this adjective to describe young people.

A cocky person usually has an exaggerated sense of his own importance and abilities. He or she may brag about their skills, talents and achievements. They may also love to talk about themselves a lot. This is a type of overconfidence. A cocky person may ignore the skills and abilities of others around them or show a distinct lack of interest in others. They may also try to make others feel inferior, consciously or unconsciously. Interestingly, putting others down may make a cocky person feel better about himself.

When a person is cocky, he will believe that he knows everything, and he has nothing to learn from others. Cocky people hate listening to others’ opinions and views. They will also try to prove that they are right, and others are wrong. It’s believed that cockiness often stems from insecurity. This is why people often boast about their abilities and achievements while trying to demean others.

Difference Between Confidence and Cocky


Confidence is a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement while cocky means conceited and boldly or brashly self-confident.


The word confidence has a positive connotation while the word cocky has a negative connotation.

Reaction to Mistakes

Confident people aren’t afraid to admit their mistakes and are willing to learn from their mistakes. Cocky people, on the other hand, rarely own up to their mistakes and will try to put the blame on someone else.


Moreover, cocky people often act as if they are superior to others, but not confident people.

Others’ Achievements

Cocky people always try to demean others and their achievements, but confident people do not try to demean others’ achievements.

Root Cause

Cockiness often stems from insecurities and fear, while confidence stems from self-assurance.


The main difference between confidence and cocky is that cockiness/being cocky involves conceit and overconfidence, which often stems from insecurity while confidence involves self-assurance, which comes from an understanding of one’s abilities or qualities.

Image Courtesy:

1. “3566942” (CC0) via Pixabay
