Sexual vs Asexual Reproduction

February 2023 · 3 minute read

Difference between Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

By Theydiffer - October 27, 2015

There is more than one way for living organisms to produce offspring. These can be put into two distinct categories- sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. In the case of asexual reproduction, the offspring is identical to its parent. In sexual reproduction, the offspring is “the sum” of two parents, to put it roughly. That is, both parents contribute genetic information to their offspring when reproduction is sexual. Sexual and asexual reproduction each has its advantages and disadvantages. For this reason some living organisms undergo both strategies of reproduction. Scientists still argue on the subject of the evolution of sexual reproduction, since asexual reproduction is preferable for the species as every organism can bear its own offspring. There are more differences between sexual and asexual reproduction and we will take a closer look at them.


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Sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that requires two representatives of the species for producing offspring. Biologically, reproductive cells of female egg and male sperm fuse, and as a result- they produce the DNA that contains genetic material from both sexes. Most representatives of mammals and fish reproduce in this way.


Asexual reproduction requires only one parent. Any offspring inherits the genetic information of the single living organism and as a result, it is the replica of its parent. Single-celled organisms are almost entirely reproduced asexually. Most plants and fungi are reproduced asexually as well.

Comparison chart

Sexual ReproductionAsexual Reproduction
Two parents are required to produce offspringOne parent is required to produce offspring
Allows for variationsDoesn’t allow for variations
Requires more energy on the part of the parents to complete the processRequires less energy on the part of the parent to complete the process

Sexual Reproduction vs Asexual Reproduction

What is the difference between Sexual Reproduction and Asexual Reproduction? Let’s compare them by the number of parents required to produce offspring, by the genetic possibility for variations and by the energy consuming aspect.
