Orthodox Christianity vs Orthodox Judaism - Difference and Comparison

December 2022 ยท 7 minute read
PracticesBaptism: New Birth in the New Covenant with God. Holy Communion: Partaking in the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, under the Form of Bread and Wine. Personal prayer and devotion are also entirely a matter of personal preference.Circumcision, Bar Mitzvah, Marriage, Death and Mourning, (Kippah, Tefillin, Tallit, Keeping Kosher, 613 Mitzvots, lunar and solar calendar, Sabbath, Kiddish, Challah bread, 10 comment'sClergyPriests, monks, nuns, Bishops, Patriarchs.Rebbes, Rabbis, Mohels, Cantors.Place of worshipChurch, Chapel, Cathedral, shrine, parish.Synagogue, Shul, TemplePlace of originPalestine, Rome, and Armenia.The Middle EastUse of statues and picturesIcons are widely used in Orthodoxy.Forbidden.God's role in salvationSalvation is a completely free gift from the Lord and comes by grace alone through Jesus Christ and partaking in the Sacraments(or Mysteries).Jews and righteous Gentiles will receive salvation in olam ha-bah. through prayer, repentance, and good deeds.ScripturesHoly Bible, a collection of canonical books in two parts(the Old Testament and the New Testament). Orthodox Bibles have more Books in their Old Testament than Protestant or Catholic Bibles.The Torah.Means of SalvationThrough the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and through the Sacraments(or Mysteries).Based on 3 elements repentance - "teshuva, " good deeds resulting from repentance - "tzedakah and mitzvot" and a life of devotion - "kavanah and tefilah." Judaism denies the need for individual and personal salvation, it acknowledges the need for forMarriageMonogamistic:. "and two shall become one." One man and one woman are united under God in the holy sacrament of Matrimony. In Heaven, marriage does not exist, except for Marriage between God and the soul.Monogamistic. Marriage is understood to mean that the husband and wife are merging into a single soul. This is why a man is considered "incomplete" if he is not married, as his soul is only one part of a larger whole that remains to be unified.Goal of religionTo gain Eternal Salvation.To fulfill the Covenant with GodConfessing sinsConfesses to pastors, for absolution and for intercession.Process of atonement during which a Jew admits to committing a sin before God.The confession of a sin does not bring immediate forgiveness they will have have to prove they have learnt their lesson through their actions.Holy days/Official HolidaysSunday(The Lord's Day), Advent, Christmas and New Years, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, Saints' Feast Days.Saturday is the Sabbath, Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Passover, Shavout, Purim, Chanakkah,Use of StatuesIcons are used.Forbidden.FounderJesus Christ, and His Apostles.Abraham and Moses.Literal MeaningOrthodox: Conforming to approved doctrine. Christian: Follower Of Christ.Orthodox: Conforming to the traditional Laws. Jewish: Descendant of Judah.Belief of GodOne True God in 3 Divine Persons: The Father, the Son(the Lord Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.One God.Offshoot religionsN/A.Christianity, Islam.Life after deathEternal Salvation in Heaven; Eternal Damnation in Hell.There are 7 Heavens. The better you are during life the higher you go. Do not believe in Hell.BeliefBelieve in Christ Jesus, and received Eternal Salvation from Him and His Church.Prayer is to be directed to God alone and to no other. The words of the prophets are true. The Written Torah. The Messiah will come.Birth of JesusVirgin Birth in Bethlehem.Normal Birth.Geographical distribution and predominanceEastern Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East. Many are in North America too.Israel, Europe, and North AmericaAboutFollowing the Teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church.Obeying God's Commandments and spreading God's message.View of other Abrahamic religionsJudaism is true revelation, but, with incomplete revelation. Islam and Baha'i are wrong, because they follow men who claim to have been greater than the Christ.Judaism does not believe that Jesus was the Messiah; It does not recognize Prophets from the descendants of Ismael, or the children of Ketura.Death of JesusDeath by Crucifixion.Death by Crucifixion.RitesSacraments(aka 'Mysteries')MitzvahsIdentity of JesusJesus is the Logos, or eternal Word. He is the Son in the Holy Trinity Who Descended into time to become the man Christ, Jesus. He is both fully God and fully man.he was an ordinary Jewish man and preacher living during the Roman occupation of the Holy Land in the first century C.E. The Romans executed him - and also executed many other nationalistic and religious Jews - for speaking out against the RomansHoly DaysSunday(The Lord's Day), Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter, New Year, Pentecost, Saints' Feast DaysSaturday(Sabbath), all Jewish Holidays.Original LanguagesAramaic, Greek, and Armenian.Hebrew.Branches2 main branches are: Eastern and Oriental. Both break off into further branches, such as Greek(Eastern), Coptic(Oriental), etc.Haredim, Chassidim, Modern Orthodox etc.View of Animistic religionsPagan.Gentile.Ressurection of JesusAffirmed.Denied.Second coming of JesusAffirmedDenied.Resurrection of JesusAffirmedDenied.Promised Holy one.The Lord Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah of Old Testament Prophecy; He Will Come again at the end of time, to Fulfill New Testament Prophecy.Jews await the Messiah.View of other Dharmic religionsViews all non-Abrahamic religions as pagan in worship.Gentile.Day of worshipSunday(the Lord's Day).Saturday is the Sabbath.Original LanguageAramaic, Greek, and Armenian.Hebrew, Aramaic, Yiddish.Place and Time of originPentecost.Around 1943 BCE, city in Babylonia, named Ur of the ChaldeesProphetsProphets are people Chosen By the Holy Spirit, to reveal His Message to humanity.7 female and 46 males. spokesperson for G-d, a person chosen by G-d to speak to people on G-d's behalf and convey a message or teaching.Concept of DeityOne God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.One God.Status of womenWomen may become nuns.Women are born more holier then men. Naturally women are born more spiritual people so they do not have to do a lot of the things men do to try and connect with G-DGeographical predominanceEastern Europe, Middle East, Far East, and North America.Europe, Israel, and North America.Three JewelsChrist, Grace and VirtuePeople, Land, and Torah.View of Abrahamic religionsJudaism is complete without the Messiah; Both Islam and Baha'i are wrong to believe in men that are greater than the Messiah.Judaism believes that Christianity and Islam exist in order to spread monotheism and bring about the prophecy in Zechariah "All the world will worship one God and his name will be One."Status of AdamAdam was the first man Created By God. He disobeyed God, and sin entered into the world.Adom means man in Hebrew. Jews believe Adam was the first human being and the progenitor of the human race.Virtue in which religion is based uponLove.Justice.AngelsAngels are God's messengers.Angels are God's messengers.Concept of GodOne God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.1 God.ClothesEncouraged to dress conservatively; Clergy dress in robes.Men wear hats or yarmulkasl Long coats, etc; Women wear long skirts and either scarves or wigs.Time of originPentecost.Around 1943 BCE, city in Babylonia, named Ur of the ChaldeesPrincipleBecause our first parents sinned, all human beings sin. So Christ Came down from Heaven to Save us all from our sins.Do not do to others as what you would not done to you. Love your fellow person as much as you love your selfView of Oriental religionsN/A.N/A.Position of MaryMary is Theotokos (Mother Of God).Jewish people do not believe that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah, therefore, Mary plays no role in Judaism.Praying to Saints, Mary, and AngelStrongly encouraged.N/A.ProphetAll the Prophets of the Old Testament, as well as St. John the Baptist.Moses, Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, and all the other prophets from Jewish writings.Authority of PopeOrthodox Christians are not under the authority of the Pope. They are under the authority of various Patriarchs.N/A.Status of MuhammadN/A.N/A.FollowersOrthodox ChristiansOrthodox JewsNames of GodI Am, The Holy Trinity.Adonai, HaShem(The Name)
