mercurial meaning | Differbetween

October 2022 ยท 2 minute read

What is a mercurial person?

Mercurial describes someone whose mood or behavior is changeable and unpredictable, or someone who is clever, lively, and quick. With a mercurial teacher, you never know where you stand. Mercury was the ancient Roman god of commerce and messenger of the gods, and the planet Mercury was named after the Roman god.

What does mercurial nature mean?

changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic: a mercurial nature.

What is the synonym of mercurial?

Some common synonyms of mercurial are capricious, fickle, inconstant, and unstable. While all these words mean "lacking firmness or steadiness (as in purpose or devotion)," mercurial implies a rapid changeability in mood.

How do you use Mercurial in a sentence?

1 She has a mercurial turn of conversation. 2 She was entertaining but unpredictable, with mercurial mood swings. 3 Emily's mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with. 4 Advertising is a mercurial business.

Is capricious positive or negative?

Capriciousness has both positive and negative connotations, though the negative is often the focal point, since human nature tends to prefer a much more stable, predictable flow. The occasional capricious decision and impulsive move is a welcome deviation, however.

What is a capricious person?

capricious Add to list Share. Capricious is an adjective to describe a person or thing that's impulsive and unpredictable, like a bride who suddenly leaves her groom standing at the wedding altar.

Who uses mercurial?

43 companies reportedly use Mercurial in their tech stacks, including, Bitbucket, and Yomali.

What is the meaning of fickle?

: marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability : given to erratic changeableness.

What does voracious mean?

1 : having a huge appetite : ravenous. 2 : excessively eager : insatiable a voracious reader.

What is the synonyms of capricious?

Some common synonyms of capricious are fickle, inconstant, mercurial, and unstable. While all these words mean "lacking firmness or steadiness (as in purpose or devotion)," capricious suggests motivation by sudden whim or fancy and stresses unpredictability.

What is another word for fickle?

Some common synonyms of fickle are capricious, inconstant, mercurial, and unstable.

What is another word for Paragon?


1 ideal, standard, epitome, quintessence; example, exemplar, paradigm. 2 nonesuch, nonpareil.
