Main Difference
The main difference between Materiel and Material is that the Materiel is a military technology and supplies in military and commercial supply chain management and Material is a substance that can occur in different amounts, all with some similar [mixture of some] characteristics, and of which objects can be made up.
Materiel, more commonly matériel in US English and also listed as the only spelling in some UK dictionaries, (both pronounced , from French matériel meaning equipment or hardware) refers to military technology and supplies in military and commercial supply chain management.
In a military context, materiel relates to the specific needs of a force to complete a specific mission. The term is also often used in a general sense (“men and materiel”) to describe the needs of a functioning army. Materiel management consists of continuing actions relating to planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling, and evaluating the application of resources to ensure the effective and economical support of military forces. It includes provisioning, cataloging, requirements determination, acquisition, distribution, maintenance, and disposal. The terms “materiel management”, “materiel control”, “inventory control”, “inventory management”, and “supply management” are synonymous.
Military materiel is often shipped to and used in severe climates without controlled warehouses and material handling equipment. Packaging and labeling often needs to meet stringent technical specifications to help ensure proper delivery and final use.
Materiel in the commercial distribution context comprises the items being moved by the services of or as the products of the business, as distinct from those involved in operating the business itself.
Material is a broad term for a chemical substance or mixture of substances that constitute a thing.
In the metaphysical sense, materials can be anything something else is consisting of, whether pure or impure, a singular composite or a complex mix, living or non-living matter, whether natural or man-made, either concrete or abstract. Materials can be classified based on different properties such as physical and chemical properties (see List of materials properties), geological, biological, choreographical, or philosophical properties. In the physical sense, materials are studied in materials science.
In industry, materials are inputs to production or manufacturing processes. They may either be raw material, that is, unprocessed, or processed before being used in more advanced production processes, either by distillation or synthesis (synthetic materials).
Types of materials include:
Biomaterial, of biological origin
Composite material, composed of multiple materials with differing physical properties
Textiles, sometimes referred to as “material”
Genetic material
Materiel (noun)
Military equipment, apparatus, and supplies.
Material (adjective)
Having to do with matter; consisting of matter.
“This compound has a number of interesting material properties.”
Material (adjective)
Worldly, as opposed to spiritual.
“Don’t let material concerns get in the way of living a happy life.”
Material (adjective)
“You’ve made several material contributions to this project.”
“This is the most material fact in this lawsuit.”
Material (noun)
Matter which may be shaped or manipulated, particularly in making something.
“Asphalt, composed of oil and sand, is a widely used material for roads.”
Material (noun)
Text written for a specific purpose.
“We were a warm-up act at the time; we didn’t have enough original material to headline.”
Material (noun)
A sample or specimens for study.
Material (noun)
Cloth to be made into a garment.
“You’ll need about a yard of material to make this.”
Material (noun)
The people collectively who are qualified for a certain position or activity.
“John Doe is a great governor, and I also believe he is presidential material.”
“He is not the only one. I believe we have lots of presidential material in various public offices.”
Material (noun)
Related data of various kinds, especially if collected as the basis for a document or book.
Material (noun)
The substance that something is made or composed of.
Material (verb)
To form from matter; to materialize.