Learn English Literature Online

March 2023 · 14 minute read

Learn English Literature Online

Literature can be defined as the sum of written and sometimes spoken material. As a subject, it can be simply defined as the study of written work. Throughout the history, various definitions have been used to interpret literature. Literature can be also defined as artistic works with a high and lasting artistic value.

Literature is categorized according to various forms; it can be classified as fiction and nonfiction. It can be categorized as verse and prose as well. It can be further divided into major literary formats such as poems, drama, novel, and short story. Literature can be studied under various classifications such as time period, geographical locations, theme, etc. (Classical literature, French literature, Colonial literature, medieval literature, Modern literature, Romantic period, etc.) In this article, we hope to discuss these various categories of classifications.

Major Forms of Literature

Literature can be principally categorized into various forms based on their structure. Prose and verse are a major classification of literature. These two categories can be further classified.

Prose can be defined as written or spoken language in its ordinary form, as opposed to verse or poetry. Novels, novellas, and short stories can be identified as the main three categories of prose.

Novel is the longest genre of narrative prose fiction in modern literature. It is a long narrative in prose that describes fictional characters and events.

A short story is a brief narrative in prose that describes fictional characters and events.

A novella is a written, fictional, prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and longer than a short story

These forms can be of different genres and styles; some works fall under more than one type. It is important to note that most of these genres are relevant to novels and novellas.

Different Types or Genres of Literature

Historical fiction, as the name itself suggests, is a literary genre wherein the plot takes place in a setting or backdrop located in the past. Historical fiction can take various forms. They can depict real historical figures in imagined situations, fictional characters in real historical situations or depict fictional characters in a fictional situation while portraying a real historical period. There can be other variations as well.

Picaresque is a genre of fiction where the hero – typically a rough character from low social class who lives by his wits – goes through a series of adventures.  The Adventures of Roderick Random by Tobias Smollett, Joseph Andrews by Henry Fielding, the Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow are some examples of picaresque novels.

Also known as the novel of sensibility, this is a literary genre from the 18th century. It focuses on the emotional and intellectual concepts of sentiment, sensibility and sentimentalism.

Gothic fiction is a style of writing that is characterized by elements such as horror, death, fear, and gloom, and  romantic elements like nature, individuality, and very high emotion. The setting of the story is generally an old, decrepit houses or castles in depressing, lifeless, fear-inducing landscapes.

Psychological is a genre that focuses on the complex mental and emotional status of the characters. It analyzes the thoughts, motivations, and feelings and emphasizes on the interior characterization.

Bildungsroman is a novel of education or a coming age of story which plots the moral and psychological growth of the protagonist from childhood to adulthood.

Epistolary is a genre that is written as a series of documents. An epistolary novel is usually in the form of letters (more common), diary entries, newspaper clippings, etc.

These genres deal with mystery, crime, and suspense. The works that belong to these genres are characterized by suspense, excitement, anticipation, surprise, and anxiety.

Western fiction is a genre that features American old West frontier as the settings. The stories are typically set from late eighteenth century to late nineteenth century.

Science fiction is a genre based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes. 

Social novel is a work of fiction where an existing social problem, such as race, class prejudice or gender, is dramatized through its effect on the characters of a novel.

Fantasy is a literary genre that uses supernatural elements as the main plot element, theme, or setting.Verse


Poems are the main literary compositions that are written in can verse form. They can be further classified into different categories based on their structure and content.


An elegy is a special type of lyric which expresses sorrow, woe and despair. It is a lament of personal bereavement and sorrow, characterized by the sincerity of emotion and expression. Read more about elegy.

A ballad is a narrative poem that was traditionally set to music. It is characterized by it’s narrative nature. Read more about ballad.

Blank verse is poetry written in regular metrical but unrhymed lines. Read more about blank verse.

 A Cinquain poem is a classic poetic form that uses a five-line pattern. Read more about cinquain poems.

Diamante poem is a style of poetry that is composed of seven lines. Read more about diamante poems.

Sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes. Read more about sonnets.

Free verse is a form of poetry that does not use a consistent meter, rhyme or any other pattern. Read more about free verse.

An ode is an elaborately structured poem that celebrates or praises people, nature or abstract ideas. Read more about odes.


Drama can be either a prose composition or verse composition. It can be categorized into three major types based on the content and nature of the drama.

In addition to this major classification, literature can be further categorized according to different styles,  periods, movements and even according to geographical locations.

Learn English Literature Online

Literary Periods

Literary work or authors can be also classified according to different movements and periods. Literature created in the same era generally portray common themes and styles; therefore, literary pieces can be classified according to the time period it was created.

Medieval literature studies the that belongs to the middle ages. (5th – 15th century). It is characterized by concepts such as chivalry, courtly love and religion. Read more about medieval literature.

Renaissance Literature is the literature from 15th to the early 17th century. The introduction of the printing press had a huge impact on this period. Read more about renaissance literature.

Romanticism was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century. Read more about romanticism.

Transcendentalism was an idealistic philosophical and literary movement that took place in the mid-19th century.

Victorian literature is the literature produced during the reign of Queen Victoria. The novel played an important role in this era.

Realism is a literary movement that began in the middle of the nineteenth century in France and spread across Europe. It was characterized by the representation of real life. Read more about realism.

Naturalism proceeded from realism is often referred to as a logical outgrowth of literary Realism. Read more about naturalism.

Modernism is a late 19th century and early 20th-century style, or movement that aims to depart significantly from classical and traditional forms. Read more about modernism.

The beat generation refers to a group of authors who explored and influenced the American culture in the post second war era.

Existentialism is a literary movement of the mid-twentieth century. Existentialist writers believed the fact that man has the freedom to choose his own fate.

Postmodernism is a  late 20th-century style and concept which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the deliberate use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different styles and forms, and a general distrust of theories. Read more about postmodernism.

Main Components of a Literary Work

A literary work is generally appreciated, criticized based on its main components. Main components of a literary work include:

Tone is the attitude of the author towards a subject, which can be determined by the author’s use of words and detail. Read more about Tone.

The setting in a literary work refers to the place and time the story takes place. Read more about the setting.

The plot is the sequence of events and happenings that make up of a story. A plot consists of five main elements.

Read more about the plot.

Conflict is the struggle between two forces, which gives the story a direct. Read more about conflict.

Diction refers to the specific choice of words by a speaker or a writer. Read more about diction.

The mood is the atmosphere or the emotional setting created by a piece of literary work. Read more about mood.

Theme is the central concept or the underlying message that is conveyed through a piece of writing. Read more about theme in a fiction.

 Literary Devices

A literary device, also known as a figure of speech, is a specific language technique used by writers create interesting, and unforgettable quality work.
