how is ismene different from creon

May 2022 ยท 4 minute read

Ismene, like Creon , is very much a product of her time and place. Just as Creon acts according to the accepted standards of masculinity, Ismeme embodies the prevailing standards of femininity. She is meek, submissive, and compliant towards Creon, exactly how women in ancient Greece were expected...

How is Ismene different from Antigone?

Contrasting Antigone and Ismene

In the most basic sense, Antigone is the more strong-willed of the two sisters, while Ismene is compliant. Antigone is willing to defy Creon's decree at any cost, including death, while Ismene tries to persuade her sister to obey the law, and thus King Creon himself.

What type of character is Ismene?

Blonde, full-figured, and radiantly beautiful, the laughing, talkative Ismene is the good girl of the family. She is reasonable and understands her place, bowing to Creon's edict and attempting to dissuade Antigone from her act of rebellion. As in Sophocles' play, she is Antigone's foil.

How is Ismene a foil to Creon?

A. Haemon (Put this in your My Notes section): Haemon serves as a character foil to Creon by pointing out Creon's unreasonableness and disrespect. Ismene considers Antigone's side and changes her opinion about the burial of Polyneices while Creon refuses to consider anyone else's opinion.

What does Creon do to Ismene?

At the urging of the Chorus, Creon eventually relents on executing Ismene. The girl ends the play with her life intact, but her self-worth in shreds. Before we close the book on Ismene, we'd just like to recognize that the strong will that her sister is often praised for is also the thing that causes three suicides.

What is the conflict between Antigone and Ismene?

A major conflict in Antigone is the conflict between Antigone and her sister, Ismene. Ismene represents restraint, compromise, and even weakness; in sharp contrast, Antigone shows extreme devotion and stubbornness. From the very first scene, Antigone and Ismene are locked in argument.

Who is Creon How does Antigone feel about him?

Antigone sees Creon as a petty tyrant who openly flaunts his power in the face of the gods.

How does Ismene die?

The 7th-century BC poet Mimnermus accounts that Ismene was murdered by Tydeus, one of the Seven. In this account, Ismene and her lover Theoclymenus met outside of the city during the siege. Tydeus had been told their whereabouts by Athena, and apprehended Ismene while Theoclymenus escaped.

What happens to Ismene at the end of the play?

While there is no real indication of what happens to Ismene, she does appear to survive the play. At the very least, there is no indication that she is actually dead. Sophocles never returns to Ismene after she asks Antigone to let her die together with her sister.

What are Creon character traits?

Angry and intent on his will, Creon appears the epitome of the bad, ruthless leader, impervious to the laws of the gods or humanity. As the king of Thebes in Antigone, Creon is a complete autocrat, a leader who identifies the power and dignity of the state entirely with himself.

What does Creon say is possibly the motive behind burying Polyneices?

Antigone is aggressive and assertive towards Creon and Ismene is cautious and passive towards Creon. What does Creon say is possibly a motive behind burying Polyneices? ... Her motives are that Polyneices are family and Creon is abusing his power.

What does the sentry tell Creon has happened to Polyneices body?

The sentry tells the Chorus that Antigone is the culprit in the illegal burial of Polynices and calls for Creon. When Creon enters, the sentry tells him that after he and the other sentries dug up the rotting body, a sudden dust storm blinded them.

How does Ismene act as a foil to Antigone?

Antigone to Ismene

In a sense, Antigone and Ismene are foils. While Antigone demonstrates power and control over her own fate, Ismene shows weakness and the inability to take her life into her own hands. Ismene, unlike her sister, constantly gives in to the stronger wills around her.
