how does antigone feel about creon

February 2023 ยท 3 minute read

Antigone sees Creon as a petty tyrant who openly flaunts his power in the face of the gods.

What is the relationship between Antigone and Creon?

The relationship between Creon and Antigone in the play written by Sophocles was that they were uncle and niece to each other.

Does Antigone hate Creon?

Antigone was following her familial duties and felt that both her brothers needed to receive proper burial no matter which side they died fighting for. Creon, angered by the blatant disregard for his orders, imprisons both sisters regardless of Ismene's innocence.

Who does Antigone compare Creon?

The main discrepancy between Antigone and Creon is that Antigone is loyal to the individual while Creon is loyal to the state. After he just became ruler of Thebes, Creon is committed to the state and to the rules he implemented.

How does Antigone's thinking about the gods differ from Creon's?

Antigone's thinking about the gods differ from Creon, because she feels this is what the gods want her to do. ... As we read earlier, Ismene did not want to be part of the burial but when Creon asked her she said she was part of the burial.

Why did Antigone go against Creon?

Antigone goes against Creon's law fully aware of the fact that she will have to sacrifice her own life. She goes ahead because she feels she is morally and ethically right. Antigone believed that divine law was more important than human law. ... Antigone refused to let Creon dictate what she she should do.

What is the main conflict between Antigone and Creon?

The main conflict underlying the fight between Creon and Antigone over the disposal of Polyneices' body is the conflict between human law and divine law. Creon, who has decreed Polyneices must not be buried because he is a traitor, comes into conflict with Zeus's law demanding proper burial of the dead.

Why does Creon hate Polyneices?

Creon exiled Oedipus from Thebes after Oedipus killed his father and married his mother. Creon also declared that Polyneices would not receive a proper burial because he committed treason against his own city.

Why does Creon decide not to bury Polyneices?

He decides not to bury Polynices because he was a traitor. Polynices and Eteocles were two brothers who fought for the throne. ... Their sister Antigone wanted Polynices to get a proper burial like Eteocles did, however, Creon was against it because he thought only Polynices was a traitor.

What did Creon do wrong?

The major actions that Creon took to cause the downfall of Thebes are that he did not want to burry Polyneices nor did allow any body to do it. He broke the burial law of the god's and punished Antigone for following their laws. The people of Thebes knew that Creon made a mistake but still were too afraid to speak up.

What kind of person is King Creon?

Creon is powerfully built, but a weary and wrinkled man suffering the burdens of rule. A practical man, he firmly distances himself from the tragic aspirations of Oedipus and his line. As he tells Antigone, his only interest is in political and social order.

How does Creon die?

Creon does not die in Antigone, although his wife, niece, and son do. They both commit suicide as a result of Creon's actions. He imprisons Antigone,...

How does Creon punish Antigone?

When Antigone refuses to back down from burying Polynices, Creon decides to change her punishment to what? He decides she will be walled up in a tomb and allowed to starve to death, rather than stoned to death. ... They think Creon is being too harsh, and that he should allow Antigone to bury her brother.
