Fiddle vs. Violin | Differbetween

June 2022 · 3 minute read

Violin: Are Violins and Fiddles Different? The answer is a surprising “no.” A violin and a fiddle are the same four-stringed instrument, generally played with a bow, strummed, or plucked. ... Fiddle, in contrast, is associated with a wide variety of music styles including Cajun, bluegrass, folk, and country.

Is there a difference between a fiddle and violin?

I usually answer, “They're really the same instrument, just different kinds of music.” You know: violin is for classical and jazz while fiddle is for folk, country, and bluegrass. ... Western classical players sometimes use “fiddle” as an affectionate term for the violin, that intimate companion and workmate.

Why do they call a violin a fiddle?

A violin is sometimes informally called a fiddle, regardless of the kind of music being played with it. The words “violin” and “fiddle” come from the same Latin root, but “violin” came through the romance languages and “fiddle” through the Germanic languages.

Is a fiddle a violin or a viola?

A fiddle is a bowed string musical instrument, most often a violin. It is a colloquial term for the violin, used by players in all genres including classical music.

String instrument
DevelopedEarly 16th century
Playing range
Related instruments
Violin family (viola, cello) Viol family (includes double bass)

Can you use a violin as a fiddle?

Yes. As a general rule, a violin is used for classical music and a fiddle is used for folk, country, and bluegrass. In the rock and jazz idioms, the terms are used more interchangeably.

What size violin is a fiddle?

Size 4/4 is the biggest and size 1/32 is the smallest. All adults, regardless of their size, play using a size 4/4 fiddle or violin.

What does fiddle mean?

1 : to play on a fiddle. 2a : to move the hands or fingers restlessly. b : to spend time in aimless or fruitless activity : putter, tinker fiddled around with the engine for hours. c : meddle, tamper. d : to make minor manual movements especially to adjust something fiddled with the radio knobs.

What is the hardest instrument to play?

The violin often tops lists of the most difficult instruments to play. Why is the violin so difficult to play? It's a small instrument with strings that are played with a bow. To play the violin correctly, you have to hold it in the right position while maintaining good posture.

How much is a fiddle?

It's sometimes possible to get an instrument cheaper than $2000, but they are not as common. Beginning fiddlers can find appropriate fiddles for $1500 - $2000. Anything less than $1200 or so is likely to be junk. Old fiddles with desirable playing qualities made by master craftsman can cost much more.

What does fit as a fiddle mean?

: in good physical condition : very healthy and strong I feel (as) fit as a fiddle this morning.

What is a fiddle made of?

Traditionally fiddles/violins have been made of wood but in some countries they have been known to be created out of tin cans, cactuses, and other materials. Fiddles/violins vary around the world.

Which came first viola or violin?

The violin, viola, and cello were first made in the early 16th century, in Italy. The earliest evidence for their existence is in paintings by Gaudenzio Ferrari from the 1530s, though Ferrari's instruments had only three strings.
