Difference Between Xfce and GNOME

May 2022 · 3 minute read

computer-keyboard-pdXfce vs. GNOME

Xfce is a desktop environment that is also free software. It is used primarily for Unix and other platforms that resemble Unix –Linux, Solaris, and BSD, for example. The main objective of this desktop environment is to be fast and lightweight. It aims to achieve these goals and still retain a visually appealing and easy to use desktop. The most current permutation of Xfce is modular –that is parts that represent separation of concerns and improve maintainability– and reusable. It is comprised of separately packaged parts, as the modular distinction suggests, and gives the software the capability of fully functioning as a desktop environment. It also has the option of being selected in subsets in order to create the preferred personal working environment for the user.

The GNU Network Object Model Environment (also known as GNOME) is a desktop environment that is completely comprised of free and open software. It was designed as an international project whose goal is to create software development frameworks, select applications software for the desktop, and work on programs that manage application launching, file handling, and window and task management. As a part of the GNU Project, it can be used with a variety of operating systems that function similarly as Unix –most notably it functions for those operating systems that are built on top of the Linux kernel and the GNU userland as well as part of the Java Desktop System in Solaris.

Xfce provides development frameworks –most notably those frameworks used in applications. Beyond the desktop environment itself, there are a variety of third party programs which use Xfce libraries –such as Mousepad text editor, Xfmedia audio player, Orage Calendar, and Terminal. One of these services is a red banner that runs across the top of the window when the application has been started up and begins to run with root privileges –this is used in order to warn the user that they have the possibility of damaging their system files with a certain action. There are also a few more components inherent in the Xfce environment, including Xfprint, which is a print manager, and Xfburn, which is a CD or DVD burner.

The GNOME handling of windows, applications, and files is similar to that of most contemporary desktop operating systems on the market today. When in its default mode, the desktop launcher menu allows quick access to those programs that have been installed and to file locations located on the computer. Metacity is the default window manager for GNOME. This allows users to change the appearance of their desktop through themes.


1. Xfce is a desktop environment that is both modular and reusable; GNOME is a desktop environment that is part of the GNU Project.

2. Xfce provides various development frameworks; GNOME handles windows, applications, and files similarly to most desktop operating systems today.
