Difference Between Wolf and Husky

July 2022 · 5 minute read

Wolf and husky even though the two animals are quite similar in their appearance, they are very different species. Even after the two animals being quite separate from each other they share 98.8% of the similar mitochondrial DNA. They can be differentiated from each other on few very minute characteristics.

Wolf vs Husky

The main difference between wolf and husky is that wolves are not domestic animals. In various communities, they are feared as they attack people. Hence they are also hunted. Whereas huskies are domestic animals and also chosen as a companion due to their silly and innocent nature.

Wolf is the largest canine animal. They can be up to a height of 26-32 inches in length. Wolf generally has grey or white fur. They have long legs that allow them to run much longer distances. They have larger paws facilitating them to walk over any land be it boiling hot or icy cold.

Huskies are sled dogs. They are 20-23.5 inches long. They have bright blue eyes. They can be different shades of color. It is also predicted that huskies have evolved into a domestic canine over time.

Comparison Table Between Wolf and Husky

Parameter of ComparisonWolfHusky
Height26-32 inches20-23.5 inches
Weight50- 121 lbs(F), 50-176 lbs(M)35-50 lbs(F), 45-60 lbs(M)
Lifespan6-8 years12-14 years
FoundNorth America, Europe, AsiaWorldwide
Eye ColorAmber or brownBlue majorly
NatureThey are wildThey are domestic

What is Wolf?

Wolf is also known as a gray wolf or grey wolf, it is a large canine that is native to Eurasia and North America. There are more than 30 subspecies of wolves that have been recognized. They are non-domestic animals. Wolf is the largest member of the canidae where the average male weighs around 40kg and female around 37kg. They measure up to a height of 150-160 cm in length and 80-85 cm at shoulder length.

They are distinguished from the other canine spices as they have less pointed ears and muzzles, along with a shorter torso and a longer tail. The banded fur of the wolf is commonly white, brown, grey, and black. The wolves are specialized for cooperative games and hunting as they have great qualities to catch large prey.

They move in small packs, usually consisting of the matted pairs accompanied by their offspring. However, the offspring might leave and form their pack at the onset of maturity. Wolves have their territories and fight amongst each other over them, it is their principal clause and wolf mortality.

Wolves have a history of interactions with humans, mostly being hunted in most pastoral communities because of the attack on their livestock by the wolves. Wolves are feared in most communities due to their attack on people, although wolf attacks are relatively low as they tend to stay away from the human gathering and have developed a fear towards humans.

What is Husky?

Husky is a sled dog, they are majorly used in the polar regions. Along with that huskies are also kept as a pet. The term “husky” has been originated from the word referred to by arctic people “Eskimo” a contraction of “huskimo” pronounced by the English people.

It is estimated that huskies have originated from Siberia and was developed by the chukchi people of northeastern Asia thousands of years ago, they used the dog for sledding and to assist them while hunting.

Huskies are energetic and athletic. They have grey, black, copper-red, and white color fur on them. Huskies have thick double coat fur to protect the dogs from harsh winters, whereas on the contrary it is also believed that these dogs also survive in hotter climates. During the hotter seasons, the huskies tend to shed their undercoat in order to cool their bodies.

Along with shedding fur huskies also keep control of their eating habits based on seasons. In cooler climates, they usually eat more for their body to generate more heat and in warmer climates, they eat less. Huskies mostly have pale blue eyes, but they might also be brown, green, yellow, or heterochromic.

Main Differences Between Wolf and Husky

  • Wolf and huskies both animals are quite tall in their length although wolves are slightly taller, they are usually around 26-32 inches. And huskies are around 20-23.5 inches.
  • Wolves are much heavier in weight the average weight of female wolves is 50-121l lbs and 50-176 lbs in the case of males. However, in the case of huskies, they are much lighter the average female weight around 35-50 lbs, and males around 45-60 lbs.
  • The lifespan of a wolf is around 6-8 years whereas for a husky it is about 12-14 years.
  • Wolves are found in North America, Europe, and Asia whereas huskies are found worldwide. There is no specification although it is said that they survive best in colder regions.
  • Wolves have amber or brown color eyes whereas huskies have majorly blue color eyes. But at certain times they might also be brown, green, yellow, or heterochromic.
  • Wolves are wild animals are they are feared in most communities as they attack humans and livestock. Huskies, on the other hand, are known for their friendly behavior and are also kept in the household as a domesticated pet.
  • Conclusion

    Wolf and huskies are quite similar, they have also descended from a similar family but over the years they have evolved a lot and they have very different physical characteristics if noticed closely. They can be differentiated based on height, weight, eye color, fur, lifespan, and nature.

    Wolves are wild animals they are majorly found in North America, Europe, and Asia. The banded fur of the wolf is commonly white, brown, grey, and black. They usually move in small packs consisting of the matting partners and their offspring. Huskies on the other hand are domestic animals. They are widely appreciated for their friendly and fun nature. They are also found worldwide.


  • https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/01.str.32.7.1635
  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=HY-GDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=wolf&ots=4t3mr7qzKC&sig=qzmRL7Fi9Qqv06r_-pN7HQLwffI
  • https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.14778/2876473.2876477
  • https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01652176.1986.9694059
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmr5%2Bhs26tzZ1koa2joMZw