Difference Between WiFi And LiFi

June 2022 · 6 minute read

What Is Wireless Fidelity (WiFi)?

WiFi is a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed internet and network connections. By using this technology we can exchange the information between two or more devices. WiFi is built upon a set of standards that allow high-speed and secure communication between a wide variety of digital devices, access points and hardware. It makes it possible for WiFi capable devices to access internet without the need for actual wires.

A WiFi network was invented by NCR corporation/AT&T in Netherlands in 1991 and is capable of transmitting data at a frequency level of between 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz. WiFi is supported by many applications and devices including video game consoles, home networks, PDAs, Mobile phones, major operating systems and other types of consumer electronics.

Advantages Of WiFi

What You Need To Know About WiFi

What Is Light Fidelity (LiFi)?

LiFi is a wireless optical networking technology that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for data transmission. LiFi is a Visible Light Communications (VLC) system and thus capable of transmitting data at high speeds over the visible light, ultraviolet and infrared spectrums. This means that it accommodates a photo-detector to receive light signals and a signal processing element to convert the data into ‘streamable’ content. 

 LiFi is designed to use LED light bulbs similar to those currently in use in many homes and offices. In other words with LiFi, your bulb is essentially your router. The term LiFi was coined by University of Edinburgh Professor Harald Haas during a TED Talk in 2011. Haas envisioned light bulbs that could act as wireless routers. After a thorough research, Prof Haas was able to set up a company in 2012 referred to as PureLiFi with the aim of being a world leader in visible light communication technology.

In terms of its end use, the technology is similar to WiFi, however WiFi uses radio frequency to transmit data. Using light to transmit data allows LiFi to offer several advantages, most notably a wider bandwidth channel, the ability to safely function in areas otherwise susceptible to electromagnetic interference e.g aircraft cabins, hospitals and military barracks.  

Advantage Of LiFi

What You Need To Know About LiFi

Difference Between WiFi And LiFi In Tabular Form

DevelopmentWiFi was invented by NCR Corporation in 1991.  LiFi was first described by Prof. Harald Haas in 2011.  
Data TransmissionIt transmits data using radio waves with the help of a Wi-Fi router.  It transmits data using light with the help of LED bulbs.  
ApplicationUsed for internet browsing with the help of Wi-Fi Cafes or Wi-Fi hotspots.  Used in airlines, undersea explorations, operation theaters in the hospitals, office and home premises for data transfer and internet browsing.  
Passage Through WallsRadio frequency signal passes through the walls and hence there is a need to employ techniques to achieve secure data transfer.  Light does not pass through the walls and hence will provide a much secure data transfer.  
ComponentsIt utilizes modems and radio frequency signal for wireless data communication.  It utilizes LED bulbs and light signals for wireless data communication.  
InterferenceIt suffers from interference issues from nearby access points (routers).  It does not have any interference issues similar to radio frequency waves.  
Frequency BandIt operates at different frequency bands between 2.4 GHz, 4.9 GHzand 5 GHz.  It operates between wavelengths in the range from 380 nm to 780 nm.  
Distance Of CoverageIt can cover a distance of about 32 meters but varies based on transmit power and antenna type.  It can cover distance up to 10 meters.  
Speed Of Data TransferSpeed of data transfer for WiFi is between 150Mbps and 2 Gbps.  Speed of data transfer for LiFi is about 1 Gbps.  
Passage Through Sea Water Or Salty WaterDue to significant interference, WiFi cannot pass through sea water and work in less dense region.  Due to less interference, LiFi signal can pass through salty sea water and can also work in dense region.  
CompatibilityIt is compatible with WLAN 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ad devices.  It is compatible with IrD devices.  
Components Of A Complete SystemA complete WiFi system is made up a router and a subscriber device (laptops, PDAs and desktops.  A complete LiFi system is made up of LED bulb (lamp), photodetector and lamp driver.  
Operation Power LevelIt is used to exchange data at much high power level compared to LiFi.  It is used to exchange data incredibly and securely at much lower power level compared to WiFi.  
Working EnvironmentWorks in less dense environment due to interference related issues.  Works in high dense environment.   
