Difference Between Whooping Cough and Croup

February 2023 · 3 minute read

This is where the primary difference can be noticed between the two: the sound. Croup is hoarse seal-like bark whereas whooping cough has a high pitched gasping sound. Plus most children show mild symptoms of croup. Whooping is much worse, and very painful.

Is croup and whooping cough the same thing?

Croup is caused by a virus. There's no vaccine against croup. This condition usually resolves at home, in less than 10 days. Whooping cough is caused by a bacterial infection.

Can croup be mistaken for whooping cough?

They both refer to a pattern of sound heard either as the person, most often a child, coughs, which is the croup, or after a vicious coughing fit as the person is trying to breathe in, which is the whoop. Croup is described as a barking cough sound, a lot like a seal.

What are the 3 stages of whooping cough?

This disease has 3 stages: catarrhal, paroxysmal, and convalescent. The symptoms of the catarrhal stage are mild and may go unnoticed. The paroxysmal stage of Pertussis is characterized by episodes of coughing with a distinctive "whooping" sound when breathing in (inspiration).

What is the difference between whooping cough and normal cough?

Parents have good reason for concern: Colds and pertussis begin with similar symptoms, so it's hard to tell the difference at first. But whooping cough is a highly contagious disease that gets worse after a few weeks, while common colds improve. People develop uncontrollable coughing fits that make it hard to breathe.

Will croup go away by itself?

Most croup will go away by itself, but parents should steer clear of treating croup with over-the-counter cough or cold medicines. “They cause significant side effects,” says Dr.

Can a child go to school with croup?

Some children may need admission to hospital with croup if they are struggling to breathe. Any child with croup who develops blue lips warrants emergency assessment by the ambulance service. There is no need to exclude a child with mild croup from school.

What's the best treatment for croup?

Lifestyle and home remedies

Do you need antibiotics for croup?

Severe croup is a life-threatening illness, and treatment should not be delayed for any reason. Other therapies, such as antibiotics, cough medicines, decongestants, and sedatives are not recommended for children with croup. Antibiotics do not treat viruses, which cause most cases of croup.

When should you go to the ER for croup?

Call 911 or go to the emergency room if your child's lips or face turns bluish, if he is working hard to breathe, cannot speak or drink, or is drooling.

How do u know if you have whooping cough?

In general, whooping cough starts off like a common cold. Symptoms can include runny nose, low-grade fever, tiredness, and a mild or occasional cough. Over time, coughing spells become more severe. Coughing may last for several weeks, sometimes 10 weeks or longer.

What illness mimics whooping cough?

Beware: there are other diseases that can mimic pertussis:

Adenoviruses, parainfluenza and influenza viruses, enteroviruses, and respiratory syncytial virus can cause a predominantly cough illness.

How do you check for whooping cough?

There are several tests to confirm whooping cough. Your doctor can swab inside your nose and/or throat. A lab will check the swab for whooping cough bacteria. Your doctor also may want to get a blood sample or take a chest X-ray.
