Difference Between Whatsapp and Groupme

May 2022 · 5 minute read

Whatsapp vs Groupme

Whatsapp and Groupme are two cross platform mobile applications, which allows group chat. Following is a comparison on the similarities and differences of the two applications.


Whatsapp is a cross platform group messaging application by WhatsApp Inc. The application currently supports iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Nokia phones. The application allows users to send instant messages to contacts in their phone address book via internet. As a result, it allows users to save on text messaging, provided the party the users wants to contact also has a smart phone with Whatsapp installed .

Whatsapp allows users with the application to group chat with contacts in their phone address book. It doesn’t require registering an account or remembering usernames and passwords. Since the application utilizes Push Notifications, the users will be notified if a message is received while the application is not running. The application also allows to set status, and this is integrated with social networks. Whatsapp allows sending images, audio, video and location details along with chat messages.

The iPhone applications can be downloaded from Apple App store for $0.99. The iPhone version is available in English, Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. To run the application successfully in an iPhone the device should have at least iOS 3.1 or higher. The latest version supporting iPhone is 2.6.4.

The android version of the application can be downloaded from www.whatsapp.com (Whatsapp site). It allows users to download application free of charge for 1 year during which time users can upgrade to the paid version for 1.99 $ per year. The site specifies that the Android version requires at least Android 2.1 or above.

The BlackBerry application can be downloaded from the site or BlackBerry App World. This version is also available for 1 year free trial period and allows later upgrade. The BlackBerry version requires at least 4.2.1 version of device software.

The Symbian (Nokia) version of the application is also available for download from www.whatsapp.com (Whatsapp site). A trial version of the Symbian version of Whatsapp is available. This trial version can be used for one year during which time it can be upgraded to paid version to a nominal fee of 1.99 $ per year.


Groupme is an application which allows users to group message and takes conference calls from devices spreading across multiple platforms. This application is currently supported for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and SMS. The application is distributed by Mindless Dribble, Inc.

The basic feature available with Groupme is the ability to create groups from the contacts available in the phones contact list and sending text messages using the data plan. As a result users can save on their texting by using Groupme. Users can also share images and conduct conference calls as well.

Groupme for iPhone is available at Apple App store for free download. The application supports, English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Romanian, Russian and Spanish. This version of Groupme is iPhone, iPod touch and iPad as well. Groupme for iPhone requires iOS 4.0 or later.

The Android version of Groupme is available for download free from Android market. This version of Groupme requires Android 2.1 or above installed in the users device.

The BlackBerry version of Groupme can be downloaded from BlackBerry App world. This is also available for free download and requires device software version 5.0 or above.

The Windows Phone version of Groupme is available for download from the windows phone market place as well.

Group me allow a facility to manage groups and engage in group chat by using feature phones and phones with minimum SMS capability. This is achieved using commands with text messages. For example a new group can be created by texting #add [new group name] [number].

What’s the difference between Whatsapp and Groupme?

Whatsapp and Groupme are two mobile applications which allow users to engage in group chat using their data plan. Both applications are cross platform and supports iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. Whatsapp supports Nokia smart phones and has a Symbian version. Groupme supports windows phone and has a service based on text messaging as well. Both applications allow users to create groups from the contacts available in their phone address book. Whatsapp allows users to share photos, audio, video and location details. Groupme allows users to share images and location details as well. Both applications allow users to make conference calls among group members. The iPhone version of Whatsapp is available for download for 0.99 $ while other versions are available for a 1 year free trial during which time users can subscribe to the service for an annual fee of 1.99 $. Groupme can be downloaded free of charge from the respective application stores.

What is the difference between Whatsapp and Groupme?

•Whatsapp and Groupme are two mobile applications, which allow users to engage in group chat

•Both applications allow users to save on text messaging as both applications use the data plan

•Both applications are cross platform and supports iPhone, Android and BlackBerry

•Whatsapp supports Nokia smart phones and has a Symbian version, but Groupme doesn’t have support for Nokia

•Groupme supports windows phone and has a service based on text messaging, but Whatsapp has neither

•Whatsapp allows users to share photos, audio, video and location details, but Groupme allows to share images and location details only

•Conference calling is available in both

•Both applications are integrated with the address book of the phone

•Whatsapp has a free trial version for 1 year but basically costs 1.99 $ annually for all versions except iPhone which costs 0.99$ to download but Groupme is a free application
