Difference Between VPN and DNS

December 2022 · 2 minute read


Summary: Difference Between VPN and DNS is that DNS is an internet service that is used to translate domain names into IP Addresses and is short for Domain Name System or service or server. While when a mobile user, remote office, vendor, or customer connects to a company’s network using the Internet, a virtual private network (VPN) provides them with a secure connection to the company network server, as if they had a private line.

Difference Between VPN and DNS


Many companies today allow access to their company networks through a virtual private network. When a mobile user, remote office, vendor, or customer connects to a company’s network using the Internet, a virtual private network (VPN) provides them with a secure connection to the company network server, as if they had a private line. VPNs help to ensure that transmitted data is safe from being intercepted by unauthorized people.

VPNs securely extend the company’s internal network beyond the physical boundaries of the company. The secure connection created over the Internet between the user’s computer and the company’s network is called a VPN tunnel. Many companies allow external access to their internal networks only via a VPN connection.


DNS is an internet service that is used to translate domain names into IP Addresses and is short for Domain Name System or service or server. Domain names are easy-to-remember because they are alphabetic. But, the internet is totally based on IP Addresses. Everytime you write down a domain name, it translates it to the IP address e.g domain www.example.com might translate to

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