Difference Between “View” and “Materialized View”

May 2022 · 3 minute read

 “View” vs “Materialized View”

Being organized lets you find things easily. Your mother always talks about not messing up your room. A sloppy room is unpleasant to the eyes because everything you see is like garbage. Of course, you don’t want a room that looks like a dump site. To prevent that from happening, always keep your room neat and tidy. Put your shoes in a shoe rack. Fold and place your clothes inside your closet. Clean up all the trash and throw it into a trash can. Your shoe rack, closet, and trash can were invented for you to keep things in order.

This is the same as inventing computers. Computers are built to manage your large files and documents in an organized manner. Your life has become so easy and convenient with computers around. Your computer database is a compilation of various information. This collection of information is kept organized so that it can be easily accessed and managed. With that, you can update your information without trouble. Generally, databases are classified according to their content namely bibliographic, numeric, full text, and images.

Databases are typically useful in managing large collections of records and files such as product catalogs, inventories, sales transactions, and customer profiles. “SQL” or “Structured Query Language” is a programming language used for accessing and controlling databases.

Some of the examples of a database is the view and the materialized view. From here, let us learn the differences between “view” and “materialized view.”

Database View

One of the ways to present your data in your computer is through the database view. For example, you have your staff database. If you wish to show only your staff’s home address, you create a Home Address view. The templates of your staff database have a designated view for each name of your staff, their age, their address, or probably their birth date.

You are free to manage the number of columns in your database. As said earlier, you may put all of the relevant data regarding your staff in this database. You can also customize how wide your columns are, how the information is sorted, and the type of data to be displayed. However, the All View can never be deleted. If you click it, all the data regarding your staff will be viewed or displayed.

It is very easy to customize your column width. You will just point your mouse’s cursor to the column lines and then drag. If you want to rearrange the column orders, you just click on the column heading and drag wherever you want to place it. You may also change the way your data are sorted. You can sort it in a reverse order or no sorting.

Materialized View

Another way to present your data is through a materialized view. With a materialized view, you can summarize, compute, reproduce, and dispense data. A good example of utilizing a materialized view is by constructing a data warehouse.

This type of view can also provide you indirect access to any table data through storing the query outputs in a separate schema object. With a materialized view, you can make your SQL execution much better. You can also update every piece of information because this lets you insert, edit, or delete data. With a base table or a partitioned table, you can define your materialized view. You can also perform query rewrites which are very useful in a data warehouse environment.


  • Databases are typically useful in managing large collections of records and files such as product catalogs, inventories, sales transactions, and customer profiles.
  • “View” and “materialized view” are ways to present your database in a more organized manner.
  • Both views are useful in accessing and managing your records easier.

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