Difference Between UberX and Uber Select

March 2023 · 4 minute read

Key Difference – UberX vs Uber Select

Uber is one of the most popular ride-hailing services worldwide. It offers a range of cars and prices to suit every occasion. These options can be basically divided into two options: economy and premium. UberX and Uber Select are two economy options of Uber. UberX is an option that provides affordable, everyday rides whereas Uber Select provides high-end rides for an affordable price. This is the key difference between UberX and Uber Select.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is UberX
3. What is Uber Select
4. Side by Side Comparison – UberX vs Uber Select in Tabular Form
5. Summary

What is UberX?

UberX is an Uber economy option that offers affordable, everyday rides. UberX is the budget option of Uber. UberX typically costs less than a regular taxi. However, UberX might be bit costly during surge pricing. Only UberPool and UberGo (only available in the Indian subcontinent) are cheaper than this option.

UberX cars are typically everyday cars that can seat up to 4 passengers. You can expect economic Sedans like the following when you request for an UberX:

Key Difference - UberX vs Uber Select

UberX drivers are not licensed chauffeurs; they drive their own cars. They are also not required to have a commercial license. The passengers can rate the driver at the end of the journey, and this rating is visible to all passengers.

What is Uber Select?

Uber Select is an Uber economic option that offers High-end, everyday rides. This is basically a low-cost ride with an added touch of luxury. Uber Select provides stylish rides that can accommodate up to 4 passengers for an affordable price. The vehicles are typically premium Sedans. But they are slightly less high-end than Uber Black rides and are not black. The vehicles are also newer than UberX offerings and typically have leather interior. Rides that fall under Uber Select are

Difference Between UberX and Uber Select

In terms of quality, Uber Select is a mid-range service somewhere between UberX and Uber Black. The price range is also somewhere between Uber X and Uber Black.

The drivers in Uber Select typically have high rating although they are not professional chauffeurs. Uber recommends Uber Select option for upscale social events. If you want to ride in style without spending a lot, Uber Select is your option.

What is the Difference Between UberX and Uber Select?

UberX vs Uber Select

UberX offers affordable, everyday rides.Uber Select offers High-end, everyday rides.
UberX is a budget option and is cheaper than Uber Select.Uber Select is more expensive than UberX but is less expensive than Uber’s premium options.
UberX provides an everyday car that can accommodate up to 4 people.Uber Select provides premium Sedans, but these are slightly less high-end than Uber Black rides.
UberX drivers are not professional drivers.Uber Select drivers have high ratings.
Luxury Level
UberX does not provide luxury cars.The luxury level is somewhere between UberX and Uber Black.
UberX is suited for everyday rides.Uber Select is good for upscale social events.

Summary – UberX vs Uber Select

Both UberX and Uber Select are economy options. The key difference between UberX and Uber Select is that Uber X offers regular rides whereas Uber Select offers more luxury vehicles. The price levels of these options also reflect their service since UberX is cheaper than Uber Select.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Lexus RX 350 Starfire Pearl” By Altair78 – Own work  (GFDL) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “2011 Hyundai Sonata GLS — NHTSA 1” By U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – safercar.gov, (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia
