Difference Between Troposphere and Stratosphere

April 2023 · 5 minute read

The atmosphere is comprised of various zones. Troposphere and stratosphere are two of them. The troposphere is the lowest layer that exists in the earth’s atmosphere, while the stratosphere resides just above the troposphere or the second layer from the atmosphere of the earth. The air density and pressure are different in each layer.

Troposphere vs Stratosphere

The main difference between the troposphere and stratosphere is that the troposphere is the first atmospheric layer that can extend to nearly 10 km as the average height. In this atmospheric layer, with an increase in height, the temperature starts to decrease. On the contrary, the stratosphere is the second atmospheric layer of the earth that exists just above the troposphere with an altitude of nearly 50km.

The troposphere is the first zone of the atmosphere while heading towards the universe and is comprised of water vapor and winds. The temperature in this layer will decrease with an increase in height or altitude. The density of air is quite high or dense in the troposphere layer due to the presence of various gases, including nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases like carbon dioxide.

The stratosphere is one of the important atmospheric layers in which the ozone layer exists, which protects the earth from the harmful radiation of the sun. It is the second zone of the earth located between the mesosphere and troposphere. This layer is comprised of ozone gas and extended to nearly 50kms. There is no atmospheric disturbance in this layer.

Comparison Table Between Troposphere and Stratosphere

Parameters of ComparisonTroposphereStratosphere
HeightThis atmospheric zone has a height of nearly 8-18kms.This atmospheric layer can be extended to the height of 50km
TemperatureIn the troposphere the temperature decreases with an increase in height or altitudeIn the stratosphere the temperature increases with increase in height or altitude
HumidityThis layer has abundant moisture as it contains water vapor and cloudsThis layer is dry as it does not contain any water vapor and clouds
CloudsIt contains abundant cloudsIt does not contain any clouds except the area of the poles
Convection CurrentIt is considered as a zone of the convection currentIt is considered as the non-convective zone of the earth’s atmosphere
Atmospheric DisturbanceThe disturbance of the atmosphere is confined to this layerThere is no atmospheric disturbance in this layer

What is Troposphere?

The earth’s atmosphere is comprised of various layers that are located in different altitudes. The top part of this layer is called tropopause that separates this layer from another. The troposphere is comprised of various gases and carries more than half of the mass of the atmosphere.

The troposphere plays a significant role in the water cycle of the earth. The procedure of the water cycle starts when water is pulled by the sun through evaporation, and this takes place in this layer of the atmosphere. The clouds are formed and contain water and other various gases.

The troposphere is responsible for providing weather to the people living on earth. Three major characteristics of this layer include clouds, weather, and temperature gradient.

What is Stratosphere?

The stratosphere is called out the second-lowest layer of the atmosphere in which the ozone layer is located. The lower end of this layer (from where it starts) is called the tropopause, while the highest point of this layer is called the stratopause. This layer is mainly comprised of ozone gas.

The layer has negligible weather disturbance with the soothing movement of the air. The stratosphere is considered as convenient for the pilot to fly the planes because it has minimal disturbance by air movement and clouds.

The temperature in this layer changes with change in the season. During the winters, it reached a low temperature and vice versa. This layer is extended to nearly 50km and absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation. It contains greenhouse gases, which is approximately twenty percent of the total greenhouse gases on the earth. It is an important atmospheric layer that is present between the mesosphere and troposphere.

Main Differences Between Troposphere and Stratosphere

  • The troposphere and stratosphere are the atmospheric zone of the earth that exists one over another. The troposphere is the atmospheric zone of the earth that can extend from 8-18kms. On the contrary, the stratosphere can be extended to the height of 50km.
  • Troposphere and stratosphere vary from each other in temperature, which directly affects with change in altitude. In the troposphere, the temperature decreases with an increase in height or altitude. On the contrary, in the stratosphere, the temperature increases with altitude.
  • The troposphere is responsible for maintaining weather on the earth and is comprised of water vapor and various gases, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and other gases. Due to the presence of water vapor and clouds, the troposphere has abundant moisture. But the stratosphere, on the other side, is comparatively dry as it does not contain water vapor and clouds, excluding the poles areas.
  • The atmospheric disturbance is quite common, which is caused by the change in air movement and other factors. The troposphere is confined or constricted by the disturbance of the atmosphere, but the stratosphere on the other side does not have any atmospheric disturbance as it has horizontal air movement and no clouds.
  • The convection current occurred in the troposphere layer of the atmosphere, but the stratosphere zone on the other side is considered the non-convective zone of the earth’s atmosphere.
  • Conclusion

    The troposphere and stratosphere are atmospheric layers. These two zones exist one over the another. The highest point of the troposphere is the starting point of the stratosphere. They can be extended up to a specific altitude. One constitutes the weather while the other protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Both of these zones or layers have a significant role in the atmosphere.


  • https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1034/j.1600-0870.1995.t01-1-00008.x
  • https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.2153-3490.1962.tb01349.x
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmrKKkvbC%2Fz6Gcq51dlruledKtqZqsn6i9qbHRnmY%3D