Difference Between Tavern and Pub

December 2022 · 2 minute read

Tavern vs Pub

There are many similar types of business establishments that were primarily created to help people consume alcoholic beverages. In different places and eras, different words have been used to refer to these drinking establishments such as inns, bars, pubs, taverns, and so on. Of course, there are subtle differences in connotations and contexts in which each of these words are used, as otherwise, there would have been a single word for all drinking establishments. People are especially confused between tavern and pub that are two establishments primarily meant to serve customers alcoholic drinks.


Shortened name for Public House, a pub is central for the cultures of UK, Australia, NZ, and nearby areas. In earlier times, there were many pubs in rural areas, in these countries, but the numbers are steadily declining. Having a drinking place in a village served a special role in a community that has been diminishing with acceptance of drinking in the society. It was common in earlier times to keep the glasses of a pub frosted so as not allow the outsiders to see inside the pub. Of late, though, pubs have started to have bright décor and clear glasses in windows, in keeping with the changing times.


A tavern is a business establishment similar to a pub where alcoholic drinks are served to customers. In addition, there is the facility of serving food to the customers though a tavern does not offer the lodging to the guests. In some places, a tavern serves identical purposes as a pub while depending upon cultural influences, there may be variations in the functions of a tavern.

What is the difference between Tavern and Pub?

• Both pubs and taverns are drinking establishments where pub is a shortened name for public houses. While pubs have a British influence, tavern is a word that has American influence.

• Pubs serve alcoholic drinks and soft drinks only, whereas taverns are known also to serve food to their customers. However, there is no hard and fast rule regarding food in taverns.

• One feature that is common to both is that, they do not offer the lodging facility to the guests.

• People below the age of legal drinking age may be allowed inside a tavern on the presumption that food is also served inside these drinking establishments. On the other hand, younger people are not allowed inside pubs.
