Suit can be a noun, where it means a set of clothes or a type of card in a standard 52-card deck. It can also be a verb, where it means to fit or to be acceptable, or to put on clothes. Suite is only a noun. It refers to a set of rooms or a sequence of musical pieces.
What does Suite mean?
1 : retinue especially : the personal staff accompanying a ruler, diplomat, or dignitary on official business. 2 : a group of things forming a unit or constituting a collection : set: such as. a : a group of rooms occupied as a unit.
Is it strong suit or suite?
“Strong suit” is an expression derived from card-playing, in which hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades are the suits. When you put your best foot forward you play your strong suit.
How do you spell suit as in suits you?
A suit is also short for a lawsuit — like when you file a suit against a doctor who removed the wrong kidney. A suit is also an appeal to someone who has something you want — like money or affection. In cards, the suits are hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs. If a hat looks good on you, it suits you.
How do you use suite in a sentence?
Suite in a Sentence 🔉
Why is it called an on suite?
The term 'en suite' comes from French and means “afterwards” or “following.” While you could argue that en suite in real estate can be described as one room being situated after another room, the French word and the English word really have nothing to do with one another.
What is the difference between a suite and a deluxe room?
Hi according to the Raffles web-site a deluxe room has 1 double bed and 1 single sofa or 1 double bed and 2 single beds. It accommodates 2 adults and 2 children. The suite consists of one king size bed and accommodates 2 adults.
What does strong suit stand for?
1 : something in which one excels : forte details of legislation have never been my strong suit— Tip O'Neill. 2 : a long suit containing high cards.
What Suit yourself means?
: to do what one wants to do —used especially to tell people that they can do what they want even though one does not think it is what they should do "I don't want to go." "Suit yourself.
Is it bedroom suit or bedroom suite?
Your bedroom suite consists of the bed, the nightstand, and whatever other furniture goes with it. Your pajamas would be your bedroom suit.
What is suit in Tagalog?
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word suit. The English word "suit" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog: amerikana - [noun] coat for men; suit jacket; suit coat; sports jacket more... ...
What is the correct way to spell suite?
Correct spelling for the English word "suite" is [swˈiːt], [swˈiːt], [s_w_ˈiː_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).
What does suit mean in Old English?
History and Etymology for suit. Anglo-French siute suite suit request to initiate legal proceedings, literally, pursuit, from siute, feminine past participle of suire to follow, from Old French sivre — see sue.