Difference Between Strategic Planning and Operational Planning

March 2022 · 3 minute read

Strategic Planning is concentrated towards attaining the long-term objectives of business. On the other hand, operational planning is done to achieve short-term objectives of the company. These are used to set priorities and align the resources, in such a way that leads to the accomplishment of business goals.

What is the difference between strategic and operational?

Simply put, your strategic plan shares your vision for the future, while your operational plan lays out how you'll get there on a daily to weekly basis. Both concepts describe your company's plans for the future, but in different contexts.

What is the difference between strategic planning and operational planning quizlet?

Differences between strategic planning and operational planning are primarily the time frame and management level involved. ... operational plans have short term objectives that will be met in one year or less. strategy. plan for pursuing a mission and achieving objectives.

What do you mean by strategic and operational planning?

A critical activity that is carried out by the management of an organization is planning. ... Strategic planning refers to the planning that is carried out at the organizational level, whereas operational planning takes place at the functional level of the organization.

What is the relationship between an operational plan and a strategic plan?

An operational plan is used to determine job duties and the proper use of company resources, such as equipment and facilities. A strategic plan outlines what kind of resource allocation is needed to achieve the goals of the plan.

What are the five major categories of operations planning?

Capacity planning, location planning, layout planning, quality planning, and methods planning are the five major categories of operations planning.

What is operational plan example?

Each product is manufactured in a separate plant run by a plant manager who prepares a separate operational plan. Operational plans can be subdivided into two categories: Single-use plans address only the current period or a specific problem. An example would be a plan to cut costs during the next year.

How long is operational planning?

Operational plans should establish the activities and budgets for each part of the organization for the next 1–3 years. They link the strategic plan with the activities the organization will deliver and the resources required to deliver them.

What is in an operational plan?

The main features of an operational plan therein include tasks to achieve particular, clearly defined goals, plus the management of your staff to ensure they're functioning at optimum levels. Identify your vision as it pertains to those levels, and then you can begin with the research phase.

How long a time period do strategic plans generally cover?

As already stated, a strategic plan is a document that defines a long-range plan. It typically covers a planning period of 10 -15 years and communicates the high-level plan to achieve a comprehensive set of goals by the end of this period.

What are the two types of strategic planning?

In our experience, there are two key types of strategic planning that organizations undertake: internal strategic planning for the future and building a competitive strategy for the external marketplace.

What is the importance of operational planning?

An operational plan ensures you can identify areas that aren't generating as much revenue as they should, or are causing losses, and can help you establish what needs to change.

What are operational strategies?

Operational strategies refers to the methods companies use to reach their objectives. By developing operational strategies, a company can examine and implement effective and efficient systems for using resources, personnel and the work process.
