Difference Between SIP and Mutual Fund (with FAQs, Advantages, Classification of Mutual funds and Comparison Chart)

November 2022 · 10 minute read

sip-vs-mutual-fundMutual Funds involve the pooling of money of lakhs of investors and making an investment in financial instruments of multiple companies and sectors.

On the other hand, a Systematic Investment Plan or SIP is a technique for making investments in mutual funds. It is a method that allows an investor to invest in small but regular amounts, in a mutual fund so as to accumulate wealth over time.

Nowadays, with the introduction of various apps, and new investment avenues, investing in the stock market has become relatively easier. In fact, people do not need to be experienced in this field and so even if you are having little knowledge, that is enough, as there are professionals, who advise you to make better investment decisions and also perform research on your behalf.

In this written account, we will enlighten you with all the points of difference between mutual funds and SIP. Also, we will clear the basic concepts of these two.

Content: SIP Vs Mutual Fund

  • Comparison Chart
  • Definition
  • Key Differences
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Classification of Mutual Fund
  • Advantages
  • Conclusion
  • Comparison Chart

    Basis for ComparisonSystematic Investment Plan (SIP)Mutual Fund
    MeaningA Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a route to invest in mutual funds, that brings discipline to your investment by investing a specified sum, at regular intervals.A mutual fund is an investment vehicle, which involves the pooling of funds of investors and issuing units to them, and investing the funds in securities, to earn returns.
    What is it?Investment ModeInvestment Avenue
    Method of InvestmentRegularRegular or One time
    FlexibilityHighComparatively Low
    CostCost is averaged, due to Rupee Cost Averaging.High due to investment is made in a single transaction.
    Impact of Market VolatilityLowComparatively High

    Definition of Systematic Investment Planning (SIP)

    Systematic Investment Plan, popularly known as SIP is a form of investing a definite amount in Mutual funds at regular intervals. Hence all the mutual fund schemes offer SIP, but they are considered as most effective that make an investment in equities, in the long term.


    Further, every time an investor invests an extra amount, additional units are purchased from that money at the ongoing rate and credited to the concerned investor’s account. The number of units an individual receives depends on the prevailing Net Asset Value (NAV) of the concerned scheme.

    If a person uses the SIP method, to invest in mutual funds, a specified sum is deducted from their concerned account at regular intervals, so discipline is maintained.

    Also Read: Difference Between Stocks and Mutual Fund

    Definition of Mutual Fund

    Mutual Fund, as the name signifies is a shared investment avenue, wherein the investors get proportionate ownership in the diversified pool of assets, based on the number of units held by the particular investor, as per the ongoing market rate.

    Due to the pooling of funds of various investors, there is a benefit of professional portfolio management, by a fund manager.

    This ensures risk diversification, as the movement of all the stocks in a similar direction and proportion at the same time is not at all possible. And as per the amount invested by each investor, units are issued to them. Hence, profits earned or loss sustained are shared by the investors according to their investment proportion.

    Investment Process

    To invest in a mutual fund, the Asset Management Company (AMC) accumulates money from various investors and then invests it into stocks, bonds, and other securities.

    Such an investment vehicle is high in liquidity as well as it can be sold via both online and offline mode. It relies on the percept of diversification of risk.

    They earn money in three ways:

    Do You Know?

    Back in the year 1774, in Netherlands, Abraham van Ketwich – a Dutch Merchant is acknowledged as the first person to create a ‘mutual fund’, for people having limited means.

    Methods of Investing in Mutual Fund

    Also Read: Difference Between Mutual Fund and ETF

    Key Differences Between SIP and Mutual Fund

    After taking a peep into the basics of these two, we are going to talk about the difference between SIP and Mutual fund:

  • Mutual Fund implies a combined savings and investment tool, in which savings of a large group of small savers are put together and invested in a basket of securities for the mutual benefit of all and there is a proportionate distribution of returns. On the contrary, Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a route to invest a fixed amount in any mutual funds scheme opted by you, at a regular frequency.
  • While a mutual fund is an investment product, SIP is a method of investing.
  • One can invest in mutual funds in two ways, i.e. either by making a one-time investment in a lump sum or by making regular investments through SIP. Conversely, when an investor opts for SIP, a fixed amount is debited from his/her account at regular intervals and invested in the scheme.
  • Talking about flexibility, SIPs are flexible in the sense one can invest according to his own convenience by deciding a particular time frame when he/she wants to invest, be it every week, fortnight, month, or quarter. In contrast, in mutual funds, if an investor wants to invest a lump sum amount, then he/she must ensure the availability of bulk surplus.
  • In mutual funds, if a person has invested his/her funds in a lump sum, then the cost might be high. As against, if a person has invested the sum through SIP, the cost is averaged out which keeps the cost at lower levels.
  • Investment in mutual funds in a lump sum is sometimes risky especially when the investor is a novice, as they have no idea regarding the best time to enter the market and so, this poses a threat as to the timing of purchase. Oppositely, with SIP there is no best time to start your investment, you can start it right away, as the purchase is spread over a period of time, and so the investors do not have to face high market volatility.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Who can invest in Mutual Fund?

    Any person can invest in mutual funds having investible amount, be it just 500 or 1000 rupees. This can be done by purchasing units of a certain mutual fund scheme.

    How does Mutual Fund work?

    Money pooled from various investors is invested in diversified securities, by the fund manager. The basket of securities may include shares, debentures and, money market instruments like commercial paper, treasury bills, certificate of deposits, etc. Income received by these investments is shared by the unitholders on the basis of their ownership.

    What is the Minimum Investment Amount in SIP?

    There is no minimum investment amount in the case of SIP, as one can begin SIP with just 500 rupees each month. However, lump-sum mutual funds generally have a minimum amount criteria.

    How Mutual Fund is set up?

    Mutual Fund is started in the form of a trust, consisting of a sponsor, trustee, Asset Management Company (AMC), and custodian.

    Classification of Mutual Fund

    Mutual Funds are broadly classified into three categories:classification-of-mutual-funds

    Functional Classification

  • Open-Ended Funds: These funds are sold and repurchased at any time on a continuous basis. So, there is no fixed time for entry and exit of the investor.
  • Closed-Ended Funds: Funds that can be bought either through an IPO or from the stock market after they have been listed. Further, these funds have a limited life span and after the completion of the term, the corpus is liquidated.
  • Portfolio Classification

  • Equity Funds: The primary objective of such funds is to facilitate capital appreciation over the medium to long term. Further, the amount is majorly invested in buying stocks. These are of three types – growth funds, aggressive funds, and income funds.
  • Debt Funds: These aim at providing a constant income to the investors, so the amount is invested in such instruments that generate fixed income like bonds, debentures, government securities, and money market instruments. They are of two types – bond funds and gilt funds.
  • Special Funds: Funds that do not fall in the above two categories are considered special funds. These can be – index fund, international fund, sector fund, offshore fund, money market fund, fund of funds, capital protection oriented fund, and gold fund.
  • Ownership Classification

  • Public Sector Mutual Funds: Funds that are sponsored by a public sector company are public sector mutual funds.
  • Private Sector Mutual Funds: Funds that are sponsored by private sector companies are private sector mutual funds.
  • Foreign Mutual Funds: The sponsorship of these funds is done by those companies that are operating in India, perform fundraising in India and also invest in India.
  • Also Read: Difference Between Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Mutual Funds

    Advantages of SIP

    SIP has several advantages that are discussed here:advantages-of-SIP

    Advantages of Mutual Funds

    There are a number of advantages of investing in mutual funds which are disclosed below:advantages-of-mutual-funds


    Investing in mutual funds, irrespective of the method tends to give high returns in the long run, when the investment is done systematically.
