Difference Between Shia and Sunni Mosques

December 2022 · 2 minute read

Shia vs Sunni mosques

All mosques in the world are similar, with barely perceptible differences in their interiors and exteriors. All mosques have a long hall inside with no pictures or writings. So when comparing Shia and Sunni mosques, there is hardly any difference except for the difference in their beliefs and customs.

Though Shia and Sunni are different Muslim sects, the Shias are allowed to perform prayers at Sunni mosques and vice versa.

When looking at the difference between Sunni and Shias, it is evident that Sunnis form the majority of the Muslims in the world. ‘Shia’ means partisans or followers of Ali and ‘Sunni’ means tradition or trodden path.

Shias and Sunnis have different pillars of belief. The Shia Muslims believe in Salat, Sawm, Hajj, Zakaat, Khums, Amr-Bil-Ma’rÅ«f , Nahi-Anil-Munkar,. Tawalla and Tabarra. On the other hand Sunnis believe in Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj.

The division between Sunnis and Shias happened soon after the death of Muhammad. The division happened on the issue of leadership after his death. The sect who believed that the successor should be chosen from among those capable of performing the job came to be known as Sunni Muslims. And thus Muhammad’s close associate and follower Abu Bakr was chosen as the first Caliph.

The other sect that believed that the control should be entrusted within Muhammad’s family came to be known as Shias. They believe that after the prophet’s death, the leadership should have passed to his son in law, Ali.


1. All mosques in the world are similar with not much external or interior difference.
2. There is hardly any difference between Shia and Sunni mosques except for the difference in their beliefs and customs.
3. ‘Shia’ means partisans or followers of Ali and ‘Sunni’ means tradition or trodden path.
4. The division between Sunnis and Shias happened soon after the death of Muhammad. The division happened on the issue of leadership after his death.
5. The sect who believed that the successor should be chosen from among those capable of performing the job came to be known as Sunni Muslims.
6. The sect who believed that the leadership should be entrusted to someone within Muhammad’s family came to be known as Shias.
7. Shia Muslims believe in Salat, Sawm, Hajj, Zakaat, Khums, Amr-Bil-Ma’rÅ«f , Nahi-Anil-Munkar,. Tawalla and Tabarra. Sunnis, on the other hand, believe in Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj.
