Difference between Server and Host in Restaurant

November 2022 · 3 minute read
Key Difference: A server is a person who serves an edible meal. The waiters in the restaurants are named as ‘Servers’. On the other hand, a host is a person who entertains someone as his guest. A person who invites someone in their home is termed as ‘Host’.

American BountyServer is someone who takes care of the guest. A person orders cuisine to a server in a restaurant, bar or coffee shop. It is the duty of a server to look at the guest who has arrived in their restaurant. The server takes care of them from the moment they sit till the end when they leave. They take the order, serve them food and drinks, serve candies and lots more. The server needs to be around the guest's table.

Example: The server was criticized for not bringing desserts on time.

Dictionary.com defines ‘Server’ as:

On the other hand, host is someone who orders food and drinks to the server. It is the duty of a host to look at the restaurant whether it is clean and up to the mark or not. If anything wrong happens with the customers, the host has to deal with it. It’s not just a duty of serving food or drinks; they have to go through with many tasks with efficient manner. A woman who is employed in a restaurant to look after the guests is called a hostess. The one who invites guests at their home are also called as host.

Example: The host greeted the guests at the door.

Dictionary.com defines ‘Host’ as:

SERVER is one who takes order and serves to the customer, whereas, HOST is the one who takes care of the customer whether he is comfortable and cool with the atmosphere or not.
