Difference Between Segmentation and Targeting (with Comparison Chart)

July 2022 · 7 minute read

segmentation-vs-targetingIn segmentation, the entire market of consumers is broken down into a number of groups. These groups are segments that comprise consumers with similar characteristics. Of all these segments the company chooses one segment to focus on, to offer their products. This is the process of targeting.

We all know that, when all the consumers of the product are taken together, it makes up the market for that product. But this is also true all the consumers are not the same. Therefore, the consumers may differ in:

With this, we can conclude that the market for the product is heterogeneous in nature. So, the marketers can divide the entire market into submarkets. These sub-markets are homogeneous.

In this write-up, we will discuss the difference between segmentation and targeting.

Content: Segmentation Vs Targeting

  • Comparison Chart
  • Definition
  • Key Differences
  • Bases of Segmentation
  • Conclusion
  • Comparison Chart

    Basis for ComparisonSegmentationTargeting
    MeaningSegmentation is the process of classifying the market into several approachable groups.Targeting is the process of concentrating on a particular segment of the market to offer products, of all the segments of the market.
    Concerned withDividing up the market, by grouping the customers with similar needs.Choosing the right segment considering different factors.
    BasesNeed, Interest, Marital Status, Sex, Buying Behavior, etc.Attractiveness of the segment
    Stage of Target marketingFirstSecond

    Definition of Segmentation

    Segmentation implies splitting the heterogeneous market into relatively distinct homogeneous sub-market. To divide the market, specific criteria form the base.

    These groups possess consumers, having common characteristics. The characteristics include age, income, sex, personality traits, or behavior. It aims at determining the consumer groups whose needs can be fulfilled with one common product. Above all, it ensures the concentration of the efforts of the firm in an effective and economical manner.market-segmentation

    This helps in tapping the market in a better manner. Besides, it also helps in optimizing products and advertising them to consumer groups.

    What is Market Segment?

    Market Segment is that part of the entire market, wherein the consumers have one or more things in common. And due to this reason, their product needs are the same.

    It is a strategic marketing tool. This is used to determine the market and also to allocate resources.

    Important: The concept of segmentation was coined by Smith in the year 1957.

    Assumptions of Market Segmentation

  • All the buyers are not the same.
  • Identification of consumers with similar characteristics. These can be background, need, values, behaviors, and so forth.
  • There will be small sub-groups and often homogeneous in nature, as compared to the market.
  • It is easier for the marketer to satisfy a small group with similar customers than a large group with diverse customers.
  • Requirements of Effective Segmentation


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    Definition of Targeting

    After the creation of different segments, managers decide which segment is best to target. For the purpose of targeting the company takes into account its ultimate objectives. In practice, managers go for that segment that is highly profitable. But, the firm can also aim for that segment that is less likely to attract competitors.targeting

    In other words, targeting is the process of choosing one segment, of all the segments, to aim for. There are three strategic options are available to the marketers which are:

  • Concentrated Marketing: In this, the company focuses on a single segment at a time. Another term used for this is niche marketing. In this, the marketer attempts to become the blue-chip within that segment.
  • Differentiated Marketing: In this strategy, the marketer concentrates on more than one segment at a time. Also, the company offers a differentiated marketing mix for each segment. The alternative name of this is multi-segmented marketing.
  • Undifferentiated Marketing: In this, the marketer uses a ‘scattergun’ approach. Therefore, the marketers offer one basic product that would serve the needs of people belonging to different age groups and lifestyles.
  • The marketer’s decision about the adoption of strategy depends on these factors:

    Targeting Strategies


    Here, the firm offers a similar product to different segments. For this, the same communication, distribution, and pricing strategy are used.

    In this, the company differentiates its products to match the needs and expectations of different segments of the market.

    It is a hybrid strategy. That is to say, it combines both standardization and differentiation strategies. Also, the ‘core strategy’ remains unchanged, but differentiation is implemented to fulfill the requirements of specific consumers.

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    Key Differences Between Segmentation and Targeting

    The points listed below explain the difference between segmentation and targeting:

  • Segmentation is the practice of classifying the broad customer base into several sub-groups. It may comprise both existing customers and prospective ones. In contrast, targeting is the practice of evaluating the attractiveness of different segments and choosing a segment to enter.
  • Segmentation is concerned with breaking down the heterogeneous market into sub-units. These sub-units have consumers with homogeneous needs. However, in targeting, the firm targets a particular segment considering various factors.
  • To divide the target audience into segments the marketers create groups. These groups rest on shared characteristics like common needs, interests, lifestyles, or profiles. As against, the attractiveness of the segment is the basis of targeting.
  • Segmentation is the first stage of target marketing. Whereas targeting is the second stage.
  • Bases for Market Segmentation

    There are two approaches for segmentation of the market:

    People-Oriented Approach

    Here the segmentation relies on consumer characteristics. The bases can be:bases-of-market-segmentation

    Product-Oriented Approach

    Here, market segmentation depends on product characteristics. Also known as consumer response segmentation or behavioral segmentation. The bases are:


    Above all, market segmentation deals with fragmenting consumers based on their needs. But, targeting is all about selecting a segment of all the segments, to aim for.
