Difference Between Seagate Exos x16 and x18

May 2023 · 6 minute read

Seagate is one much suck manufacturer that provides good quality storage options to users at an affordable price. They have mastered their storage forming formulas in their product Exos which is a line of enterprise hard drives that come in a variety of capacity options ranging from 12 to 18 Terabytes inbuilt storage.

Seagate Exos x16 vs Seagate x18

The main difference between Seagate Exos x16 and x18 is that they duffer in their data holding capacity. Seagate’s Exos x16 can hold data up to 16 TB, whereas Seagate’s Exos x18 can hold data up to 18 TB, which is about 2 TB more than the former. There also are some minor differences between the two hard drives.

Seagate Exos x16 is an enterprise hard drive that has a holding capacity of 16 terabytes. It is a secure and reliable cloud data storage product from the company Seagate. It has a helium-filled HDD technology that can take heavy workloads 24× 7, which is ideally required for users that need it to store data being generated all the time.

Seagate Exos x18 is also an enterprise hard drive while it has a holding capacity of 18 terabytes. It is secure and reliable cloud storage like its former counterpart from the company Seagate. It also has helium-filled HDD technology that can effectively take large workloads. In essence, it can use the same technology as the former.

Comparison Table Between Seagate Exos x16 and x18

Parameters of ComparisonSeagate Exos x16Seagate Exos x18
Data CapacityExos x16 can store data up to 16 TB.Exos x18 can store data up to 18 TB.
PriceExos x16 usually comes at a cheaper rate in the market than the Exos x18.Exos x18 is usually priced a notch higher than the Exos x16.
Write SpeedExos x16 has a write speed of 440 IOPS.Exos x18 has a write speed of 550 IOPS.
Power DrawExos x16 draws up to 5.0 watts of power to function.Exos x18 draws up to 5.3 watts of power to function.
NoiseExos x16 has a slightly lower noise production than the Exos x18.Exos x18 has a slightly higher noise production than the Exos x16.

What is Seagate Exos x16?

Seagate Exos x16 is an enterprise hard drive that is made with the technology to work all through the day without any break, unlike consumer hard drives like that in computers and laptops that work only when needed. Usually, servers, websites, etc., use this kind of hard drives to store data all through the day.

The Exos x16 series of hard drives come in three variants of 12, 14 and 16 terabytes of data stored in each hard drive. They are made with helium-filled HDD technology that can take huge workloads, which almost equals 550 terabytes in a year. They are secure and reliable, coming from one of the leading companies in this field.

They come with a free five-year warranty and hence can be used without risks. They have in the included Power balance and Power choice technology to smartly choose and balance their operating power sources as per requirements of the time. However, they come with an onboard cache of 256 MB, which can be ignored considering the large storage space of the hard drive.

Vibration correctors, cooling mechanisms and airflow systems are often added to all enterprise hard drives like these. Noise creation is one of the drawbacks of enterprise hard drives, but for any data centre or NAS, these hard drives are a must and are used widely. It also has a performance of 261 MB/s and hence is a hard drive with good specifications at its given price.

What is Seagate Exos x18?

Seagate released an enterprise hard drive with a yet greater data capacity of 18 terabytes, namely the Exos x 18, as the name suggests. It is also meant for 24× 7 working and thus comes with suitable technology attached.

The Exos x18 series of hard drives come in four variants of 12, 14,16 and 18 terabytes of data stored in each hard drive. They are also made with similar helium filled HDD technology that can take exceptional workloads of up to 550 terabytes in a year. They are secure and reliable and offer risk-free cloud storage to their users.

They also come with a five-year warranty. Like the other variants of the Exos series, they have the Power Balance and Power choice technology included for efficient power usage and consumption. The additional 256 MB cache is present in this hard drive as well, along with all other technologies like vibration correctors, cooling mechanisms and airflow systems.

It has a slightly better platter technology than the Exos x16 as well as a better performance of about 270 MB/s making it slightly favourable over the other. However, it is also accordingly priced a little higher than the Exos x16 hard drive.

Main Differences Between Seagate Exos x16 and x18

  • Seagate Exos x16 has a data capacity of 16 TB, as its name suggests, while Exos x18 has a data capacity of 18 TB, as its name suggests.
  • Seagate Exos x16 has a slightly lower current ranking of 2.6 A, while Exos x18 requires a slightly higher current of about 2.8-3.0 A.
  • Seagate Exos x16 has a performance of about 261 MB/s, while Exos x18 has a performance of about 270 MB/s.
  • Seagate Exos x16 has a platter technology of 1.8 TB, while Exos x18 has a platter technology of about 2.0 TB.
  • Seagate Exos x16 draws less current ideally as well as in function than the Exos x 18.
  • Seagate Exos x16 is cheaper than the Exos x18 hard drive.
  • Conclusion

    There lies a vast difference between normal hard disks and drives that are usually found in computing devices like a computer or a desktop, or a laptop. It is also different from an external hard drive plugged in to store information. Enterprise hard drives are manufactured to work all day and all night without shutting down or rest, which requires them to have huge storage spaces as well as capable of being able to take the large workloads.

    While most consumer hard drives are provided with external cooling systems and vibrations and noise in them are almost minimal and hence unchecked, enterprise hard drives have all the coping mechanisms inbuilt. Noise is bound to be generated in stations using such hard drives. Usually, these hard drives are used in data centres, NAS, server centres, and such where data is created and stored throughout the day. Seagate provides apt hard drives for such situations.


  • https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/projects/cryptographic-module-validation-program/documents/security-policies/140sp2796.pdf
  • https://www.fujitsu.com/global/documents/about/resources/publications/fstj/archives/vol42-1/paper08.pdf
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmq5WWtKLAxGacsaejYsVygoyapZ1lqGaFcA%3D%3D