Difference Between SAR Australia and SAR US and SAR Europe

December 2022 · 3 minute read

SAR Australia vs SAR US vs SAR Europe | Will Mobile / Smartphones cause Cancer? | What is SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)

Everyone is aware of the fact that there is danger of radiations from cell phones but did you know of SAR and what its implications are? SAR stands for Specific Absorption Rate and is the amount of radio frequency energy that our body absorbs when we use a particular cell phone model. Thus every phone has a SAR value as each set has a radio receiver that helps it to operate in a particular GSM network. There is a limit to this SAR value that regulating authorities set for phones. Thus phone manufacturers see to it that the SAR value of a handset does not exceed this SAR value when it is place next to one’s ears to receive a phone call. The unit of SAR is watts per kilogram. Generally there are two SAR values, one that is an average for whole body and the other, called maximum SAR value pertains to the body part closes to the cell phone.

SAR Value in US

Regulating authorities in different countries have set SAR levels so as to make cell phone manufacturers follow the guidelines issued by them. In US, it has been left to FCC (Federal Communications Committee) to decide SAR values for cell phones. FCC has come out with a regulation that handsets should have a SAR level equal or less than 1.6 W/kg averaged over 1 g of mass tissue.

SAR Value in EU

When it comes to European Union, the regulating authority is European Committee for Electrochemical Standardization, and it has set SAR levels at 2 W/kg averaged over 10g of tissue. This SAR value is applicable to all mobile phones and other hand held devices.

SAR Value in Australia

In Australia, safety standards for electromagnetic radiations are set by ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) and regulated by ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority). The safety limit in Australia is based upon ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) limit which is 2.0 W/kg averaged over 10g of body tissue.

The SAR value determined by different nations is based upon the highest certified power level. The fact is that all cell phones while operating can be well below this maximum SAR value. Cell phones are designed to use power to reach the GSM network and the closer you are to the wireless base station antenna, lower is the operating SAR value of the handset as it emits least amount of radio frequency in that case.

The point to be remembered is that the handset has a SAR value well below that is prescribed in the country has no relation with its ill effects on human health and just because the phone you are using has a SAR value in conformity with the standard set in your country is no guarantee of cell phone being absolutely safe for your health.
