Difference between Safe Mode and Normal Mode: What's the Difference?

September 2022 · 3 minute read

Main Difference

Do you ever notice, whenever you installed any Windows Operating System than after a considerable time a black screen with 6 to 11 multiple options appeared in front of you. Like options of safe mode, normal mode, safe mode with networking, etc. Lot of options means surely there will be some difference between all of them also. In this article we will discuss about two options, which are safe mode and normal mode.

Safe Mode

Many operating system like MAC and Windows facilitates the users with a diagnostic system like safe mode. The basic purpose of this diagnostic system is to provide the users limited and default options and configuration. Now question arises, why operating system gives this option? Answer is that whenever there arises some problems in your system you can easily handle the specific problem individually without disturbing the other software and hardware. You can say this feature as troubleshooter of your software and hardware problems. Limitation is that after running your system in safe mode limit operation and function will be available like graphics card and sound card will not be loaded and in some cases often network drives are restricted to do work.

Normal Mode

As the word normal shows in normal mode that it is the default and normal path for working of computer. Whole system in this mode worked simultaneously with same frequency, designated phase and instructions. The purpose of this platform is to create a system for hardware devices and software to work according to the instructions of operating system. Whenever you starts to work on computer in normal mode, all the drivers, software and programs attached with hard ware configuration and specification starts to work by operating system. That’s why all drivers including graphics, sound and network are available, which are restricted by operating system in normal mode.

Key Differences
