Difference Between Ruby and Python

May 2022 · 6 minute read

Everything is digitalized now, purchasing, selling, education, etc. to make sure the online process of these works smoothly, certain apps, applications, etc has to be made. For these purposes, the most important is programming languages, as they help in the development of websites, applications, software, etc.

Every website, application, or even game, requires certain programming languages, and with all the innovative new programming languages are also introduced. This is also one of the reasons for the increase in digitalization as every new programming language is better than the existing one. Examples of such languages could be Ruby and Python. Both of them are different types of programming languages.

Ruby vs Python

The main difference between Ruby and Python is in there features that they support. Python is older when compared to Ruby by 4 years. Several features are supported by Ruby but not by Python, which includes usage of mixins, blocks, and procs, etc. While Python has its advantages in terms of the number of libraries, functions, multiple inheritances, etc. they are also mainly focused on different purposes.

Ruby is used for general purposes, especially for web development and application development, and was developed in 1995. Mixins can be used under this programming language. It also supports tuples and single inheritance. Despite all the advantages it is still not the first choice of programmers and lacks popularity. It is being developed and made changes to remove all the cons it has.

Python is a high-level programming language used by many big companies. Mixins cannot be used in this language but have larger libraries. It uses natural language elements. As compared to any other low-level language is simpler and reliable with advanced features. There are some disadvantages too such as, slow speed, inefficient memory, and weak in mobile computing, etc.

Comparison Table Between Ruby and Python

Parameters of ComparisonRubyPython
DefinitionsIts general-purpose programming language.It is a high-level programming language.
MixinsCan be usedCannot be used
LibrariesSmaller librariesLarger libraries
Developed in19951991
UsageGoogle, Instagram, YouTube, etc.Apple, Twitter, Urban Dictionary, etc.

What is Ruby?

It is a high-level programming language that is dynamic in nature. It mainly focuses on simplicity and productivity. It was introduced after the need for more scripting and object-oriented languages were felt. The name was decided at a time when there was no code introduced in a programming language, in an online chat on February 24, 1993. It often gets confused with Ruby on Rails. Its libraries and packages are managed by Rubygems.

It supports both multiple paradigms of programming and functional programming making it a unique language. Its interpreter can also be used as a calculator. It can also solve complex mathematical problems. It can also be embedded in HTML. It uses ‘nil’ in place of ‘null.’


  • Object-oriented: it is an object-oriented programming language.
  • Mixins: it has both classes and modules both.
  • Method Name: a question mark of the exclamation mark is used at the end of the methods.
  • Except for the above, there are also some other features such as visual features, garbage collector, Case Sensitive, etc.


  • Time Efficiency: the software can be developed by using this language quickly. It is among the most time-efficient languages.
  • Tools and libraries: it provides the best features and tools that can help develop several websites and applications.
  • Safety: it offers the best level of safety.
  • What is Python?

    It is believed that Python was developed as its developer was looking for a project to write a new programming language for a hobby and ultimately developed a new programming language, Python. The name was based on the famous British comedy troupe Monty Python in the 1970s. It ships in several flavors, such as CPython, Jython, Iron Python, Brython, Ruby Python, PyPy, Micro Python.

    Many big and popular companies have used and still using Python Programming language, including NASA, Google, Nokia, etc. To delimit the codes, it does not use braces, but indentation is necessary. It also supports the multiple assignments/variables in one statement.

    Advantages of Python

  • Easy to read and learn: it has English-like syntax. Therefore, it is an easier language to write and learn by a beginner for coding.
  • Improved Productivity: it is a simple and most productive language and mainly focuses on solving math problems.
  • Interpreted Language: it directly executes code and reports if any error arrives after stopping the further execution.
  • Free and Open Source: it is free to use and distribute as it is OSI approved.
  • Vast Libraries: it supports a larger library. Even ruby has a smaller library in comparison.
  • Main Differences Between Ruby and Python

  • When it comes to object-oriented, Ruby is a better option as it is fully object-oriented, whereas Python is not.
  • Multiple IDEs are supported in python, whereas Ruby supports EclipseIDE.
  • As mentioned above, Ruby is fully object-oriented. Therefore, mixins are be used in this, whereas mixins are not used in Python due to not being fully object-oriented.
  • Ruby supports the Ruby on Rails framework as a web framework, while Python supports the Django web framework.
  • In terms of libraries size, Python has an advantage as it has larger libraries as compared to Ruby, which has relatively smaller libraries.
  • Python was developed earlier in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum, while after four years in 1995, Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto created the Ruby programming language.
  • With ruby programming, language variables cannot be unset back once they are set, which is possible in the case of Python language.
  • Ruby does not only supports lambdas but also supports blocks and procs, whereas Python only supports lambdas. Also, Ruby has a larger lambdas function in comparison.
  • Python has functions, whereas Ruby does not have functions.
  • Ruby is mainly focused on the web, while the main focus of Python is academia and Linux.
  • Ruby supports switch/case statement while there is the support of it in Python language.
  • Built-in classes can be changed by modifying them in Ruby, whereas they cannot be modified in the case of Python.
  • Ruby only supports single inheritance, while Python supports multiple inheritances. Also, python supports tuples, while ruby does not support tuples.
  • Conclusion

    Above are all the differences between both Ruby and Python programming languages. Despite these differences, there are certain similarities too, due to which some people might get confused while choosing between them. These similarities include, they are high-level languages, therefore have certain advantages over low or middle-level languages, are server-side scripting, best for the web application, can be used for working on multiple platforms, easily readable with clean syntax, objects are dynamically typed, use embedded document tools, GNU debugger is available, have Emac modes support, etc.

    Therefore, the difference between them will be very helpful if a beginner wants to choose between them.


  • https://peerj.com/preprints/3304/
  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167642321000460
  • https://academic.oup.com/database/article-abstract/doi/10.1093/database/bau059/2634532
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