Difference Between Rome and Greece

March 2023 · 2 minute read

Key Difference: Both Greece and Rome are located in the Mediterranean. Where both these countries have numerous similarities in their socio-economic spheres, they always have many differences in their ways, which makes them unique. Where Greeks speak Greek, the Romans speak Latin. Athens developed through sea trade, whereas Rome grew by conquest. While Greeks were governed through democracy, the Romans were republicans. Below is a detailed analysis of these differences and many more which makes these great empires stand out in their own ways.

RomeThe history of the ancient Romans and ancient Greek can be compared and contrasted using the economic, social and political aspects of the two countries.


Athens developed through sea trade, whereas Rome grew by conquest. Greeks majorly exported olive oil and grapes while Romans common trade items were bronze and pottery.


Realistic portraits were used for the purpose of decoration in Roman art while Greek art comprised of producing ideal artistic forms. Greece was associated with art better known as Venus de Milo while the Roman’s practiced Fresci, the mosaic or wall painting art (Robertson, 1969). Romans had an upper hand over the Greeks when it came to buildings. They had concrete to build big better building unlike the Greeks. Arches and Domes characterized Roman architecture which Greeks didn’t use.  Roman and Greek temples were almost identical but the incorporation of details like domes and vaults in roman architecture gave an essence of aestheticism to them.


In Roman Empire women were given the status of citizens contrary to what was practised in Rome. The Greeks believed ladies to be gossipers and didn't enable them to own any property. They believed that women ought to be secluded and accompanied publicly and their main responsibility was to perform house hold chores, marry and bear children in contrast to Rome wherever women were valued for devotion, humility, peace, loyalty in marriage and had freedom of movement and could own property.


 In Roman family’s sons were subjected to their father contrary to Greek families where oiko, sons could challenge their father’s ability to run the family.
