Difference between RMS and Average

March 2023 · 4 minute read

When it comes to understanding the difference between RMS and average, it is important to first understand what each term means. RMS stands for “root mean square” and is a mathematical calculation that takes into account all of the values of a data set and then finds the square root of the mean of those values.

Average, on the other hand, is simply the total value of a data set divided by how many items are in that set. In most cases, RMS and average will be very similar numbers. However, when there is an outlier in a data set, RMS will give more weight to that value and produce a number that is different from the average.

What is RMS?

RMS stands for Root Mean Square. RMS is a statistical measurement of the magnitude of a data set. RMS is used in mathematics, physics, and engineering to calculate the strength of a signal or waveform. RMS is calculated by taking the square root of the mean of the squares of the data set. RMS can be applied to any data set, including sinusoidal waves, random noise, digital signals, and biological signals. RMS is a valuable tool for engineers as it allows them to quantify the strength of a signal and compare it to other signals. RMS can also be used to determine the power of a signal or waveform. RMS is an important concept in electrical engineering and physics.

What is Average?

Average is a term that is used often in daily conversation, but its meaning can be different depending on the context. In mathematics, average refers to the mean, which is the sum of all values divided by the number of values. For example, if five students have scores of 80, 85, 90, 95, and 100, the mean score would be (80+85+90+95+100)/5=88. To calculate the median, the values must first be sorted from low to high. The median is the value in the middle of the sorted list.

For the same five students above, the median score would be 90 because it is the value in the middle of the sorted list. The mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a set of data. For example, if three students have scored an 80 on a test, and two students have scored a 95, then 95 would be the mode. Average can also refer to other measures of central tendencies, such as the midrange and trimmed mean. However, the mean is by far the most common form of average used in mathematics.

Difference between RMS and Average

RMS is the Root Mean Square of a signal, while the average is simply the arithmetic mean of the signal. RMS is generally more useful when analyzing signals because it effectively gives the signal an RMS “weighting” which more accurately reflects the healing power that the signal can produce. For audio signals, RMS has generally been considered a better reflection of loudness than the arithmetic mean. RMS is also used more often in electronic engineering for analyzing AC signals. Generally speaking, RMS values are always higher or equal to the corresponding average values. This inequality does not hold for complex-valued signals or quaternions.

RMS can be applied to a set of n values x_1, x_2,…x_n by finding the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of those n values: RMS=sqrt((x_1^2+x_2^2+…+x_n^2)/n) In electronics, RMS corresponds closely to the effective value of a DC signal, meaning the constant voltage or current that produces the same power dissipation as an AC signal with equivalent peak amplitude. AC voltages and currents are usually expressed in RMS values.


The difference between the average and RMS is that the average is skewed by outliers, whereas the RMS takes all of the data into account. This makes the RMS a more accurate measure of central tendency. When you’re dealing with large data sets or trying to compare values from different data sets, it’s important to use the right calculation. Hopefully, this article has helped clear up any confusion about what RMS and average are and when you should use each one.
