Difference Between Restricted and Prohibited

January 2023 · 3 minute read

Restricted vs Prohibited

Restricted and prohibited are two words in English language that are enough to confuse non natives. We often see a list of restricted and prohibited firearms, restricted entry doorways, restricted imports, and so on. There are also restricted and prohibited airspace for pilots that are hard to understand by common people. In a general sense, both restricted and prohibited are words used to tell the word that some places, areas, spaces, and arms are not meant for all the people and only selected, elected or authorized persons can make use of them. This article tries to differentiate between restricted and prohibited to make it easier for the reader to use these words properly.


Restricted is a word that is used in many contexts from offices, air spaces, firearms, customs, etc, and every usage describes the conditions to make use of the restricted place or item. Approval from concerned authorities is required to be making use of restricted fire arms or to import items put under restricted import list. When you see a notice outside an office in a building saying ‘restricted entry,’ it simply means that entry inside is allowed to certain people only, and you will be treated as a trespasser, if you get inside. For a pilot, to be flying over restricted airspace is a violation for which he may be held responsible and punishable by law. If a pilot sees the board declaring restricted airspace, he has to stay away and not fly over this space as there may be activities hazardous for flying may be going on inside the space. However, there is a chance to be allowed to fly over a restricted airspace if the reason for which the place has been called restricted airspace is not active at present.


Prohibited is a word that is a degree higher in severity than restricted. If you see a signboard saying entry prohibited, you have no chance of getting inside as you may be held responsible for a criminal offense. Nuclear installations, President’s office and other sensitive installations often have prohibited entry where no one has any access to, except a chosen few. In a customs list of any country, if you find some items in prohibited list, it simply means you cannot import those items from abroad.

What is the difference between Restricted and Prohibited?

• Both restricted and prohibited disallow entry of people inside an office, airspace or installation, though, prohibited is more severe than restricted.

• Locations of Presidents and defense installations carry prohibited airspace signboard, whereas there are places with activities considered hazardous for flying and, therefore, called restricted airspaces. When the reason for calling restricted airspace is not active, you may get a chance to fly over this space. However, there is no chance for permission to fly over prohibited airspace.

• Restricted space has some or little access, whereas prohibited space has no access whatsoever.
