Difference Between REST and SOAP

March 2022 · 6 minute read

REST (Representational State Transfer) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) are two similar but different methods for exchanging data. REST is an architectural style that specifies the data format, messaging pattern, and the set of operations supported. REST is considered to be a simpler technique than SOAP because it can be used with all programming languages, whereas SOAP must be programmed in Java or C#.

SOAP uses XML-based messages, while REST uses JSON-based messages. SOAP is more complicated to set up, while REST is much easier to use. They both have their pros and cons, so it’s important to understand the differences before making a decision on which one you should use. If you’re considering using either REST or SOAP, these are some things you need to know about each method before deciding.

If you’re looking for a simpler, more cost-effective way to exchange data, REST may be the right choice. REST is a type of application architecture that uses HTTP requests and responses to perform operations on remote resources (e.g., GET requests). REST is often easier to implement than SOAP because it can be used with any programming language, not just Java or C#.

However, REST doesn’t allow for the same level of security as SOAP does, which means some enterprises may not want to use it. SOAP is an XML-based protocol that allows for more control over how messages are sent and received. It’s also more expensive than REST because it requires the use of Java or C# programming languages.


The main difference between REST and SOAP is that SOAP must be set up on a web server, while REST does not need a web server. SOAP sends messages in batches while REST sends messages in single requests. SOAP does not have any built-in security features, while REST has basic security features built into it. You will need to use third-party software if you’re using SOAP because it doesn’t have native support when sending emails or making HTTP requests, whereas REST has built-in support for these operations.

RESTful services are stateless, which means they have no memory or persistence. They’re usually hypermedia-enabled, meaning that they can receive any type of data in any format and transform it into something else–usually HTML or XML.

SOAP is a protocol that has been designed to be used with XML. It was created because there wasn’t a standard way of exchanging data across distributed components. So it uses XML messages to send data back and forth.

Comparison Table Between REST and SOAP

Parameters of ComparisonRESTSOAP
MeaningJSON-based messagesXML-based messages
ComplexitySimple to set upComplex to set up
LanguageWorks with Java or C# programming languages onlyWorks with Java or C# programming languages only
ProgrammingTypically needs to be programmed in Java or C#More complicated than REST
CostLower upfront costCostlier

What is REST?

REST (Representational State Transfer) architecture is based on the principle of being stateless and reliant on hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). It uses techniques such as caching, compression, and content negotiation to reduce response time and network bandwidth usage. REST is a technique for accessing and manipulating data on the web.

RESTful web services use HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, to communicate between two endpoints. REST uses hypertext as its model for data presentation and manipulation. REST is an architectural style for designing networked applications. It can be used to create both web-based services and web APIs.

RESTful applications are designed using a number of constraints that come with style. Namely: REST is not a protocol like HTTP. The constraints above are guidelines that may or may not be followed in implementing RESTful applications. Applications built with these guidelines will still need to use the appropriate protocols – HTTP, TCP, UDP – to function properly.

What is SOAP?

SOAP is a protocol that provides a standard way to exchange data. The goal of SOAP is to generate standards between programs that allow different devices and software platforms to communicate with one another.

The most important function of SOAP is the ability to transmit data between distributed, heterogeneous systems. This can be helpful if you don’t want every system to need an update when there’s a change in one system. SOAP’s typical message format consists of XML-based messages with additional headers and footers.

SOAP is a software protocol for exchanging data over a network. SOAP relies on XML-based messages that are sent using the HTTP protocol to deliver information between two endpoints. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a lightweight protocol for exchanging XML messages over computer networks which provides interoperability between different types of computers and programming languages.

SOAP uses Web Services Description Language (WSDL), which allows for remote services over HTTP or HTTPS to provide access to different types of media, including text, images, audio, video etc.

Main Differences Between REST and SOAP

  • REST uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) as its data format, whereas SOAP uses XML.
  • SOAP is a remote procedure call (RPC) protocol, while REST is an architectural style.
  • REST supports CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations while SOAP supports CRUD and RPCs.
  • SOAP must be programmed in Java or C#, whereas REST can be used with all languages.
  • SOAP is more complicated to set up than REST because it requires a dedicated server to host the Web service interface and a Web service development framework such as Microsoft .NET framework to write SOAP-based Web services, whereas REST requires no dedicated server or specific software for Web services development other than the programming language being used to develop the Web service which makes it much easier to set up than SOAP.
  • While both methods have a setup cost, REST has a lower upfront cost to implement than SOAP since there are no servers or frameworks required for its implementation other than the programming language being used to develop the web service, which takes care of any additional expenses.
  • Conclusion

    REST and SOAP are two web services that process requests and provide responses to the requester. They each have their strengths and weaknesses that make them unique. REST is a simpler protocol that is often used to manipulate data that is stored on the server, while SOAP is a more complex protocol and is usually designed for updates to data.

    REST and SOAP both use HTTP requests, but REST is a simpler protocol that doesn’t require XML-based messages, while SOAP is more complex and usually designed for updates to data. REST also doesn’t require an XML-based message, but it does require HTTP methods such as POST or GET.

    REST and SOAP are two of the most popular web services protocols. In this blog, we will discuss the pros and cons of each to help you decide which one is best for your project. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. This protocol has a lighter weight than SOAP and offers more flexibility in terms of how it can be used. Due to this, REST is a better option if you want a more lightweight protocol. Alternatively, SOAP is a heavier protocol with stricter rules for usage. It is also more structured than REST, making it easier to jump in without any prior exposure to the service.


  • http://proc.conisar.org/2012/pdf/2208.pdf
  • https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5476765/
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmqpWowW6tzZ1krKeRpXw%3D