Difference Between Quiet and Silent

April 2022 · 5 minute read

Main Difference

The main difference between Quiet and Silent is that Quiet means there is still some noise, whereas silent means there is no noise at all.

Quiet vs. Silent

Quiet every so often linked with a definite limit of sound in an environment. When the term quiet stated, it doesn’t mean the total absence of noise or sound, then a decrease in it. Whereas the term silent doesn’t mean a drop or decline in the sound made. It mentions the complete absence of noise in the immediate environment.

When a being supposes somebody or somewhat to be quiet, this implies that he/she doesn’t pay attention or mind a slight noise being made or produced; if not, it annoys the somebody or starts obstructing his/her focus. While when someone usages the term silent, he/she denotes that the sound coming from somebody or somewhat is demonstrating to be the main interruption; for this reason, a being wishes it to end totally.

Quiet also implies something completed inconspicuously; however, all things not be deprived of a slight sound be made up. And silent is as well the basis of why we usage aphorisms like ‘Silence is golden’ or ‘Pin-drop silence.’

Quiet is utilized to define a being who does chat or talk, however, not passionately. Persons who are discreet by nature are frequently famous as quiet and cautious of manners. Though, this doesn’t mean that they don’t chat or talk at all, while silent is a word that related to a being who doesn’t answer or reply a query or doesn’t take part in a discussion at all.

Comparison Chart

Quiet means that a close surrounding is justly peaceful or nonviolent apart from a slight sound that stays nearby.Silent categorized by the absence of talking or sound.
“Stop,” he ordered in a quiet voice.The room was silent for a minute after they went.
Commonly Used
Vital Meaning
Quiet in essence means an incomplete reduction in sound.Silence means the whole end of the sound.
Define a person’s personality or behavior.Define an exact condition or situation.

What is Quiet?

Quiet means that something is very silent. It’s not completely silent, or soundless, but it’s close to that. For example, it’s quiet in the forest, and the only thing you can hear are your footsteps.

Reasons It’s Ok to Be Quiet

What is Silent?

Silent specifies a great range of things; it’s similar, saying several things deprived of make noise or sound. If you define somebody as a silent being, you are saying that they do not speak to people so much, and occasionally give the feel or impression of someone unfriendly. He was a silent, serious man.

Reasons For Being Silent

Key Differences

  • Quiet has meant somewhat is not very noisy or loud. It is not a complete adjective so that you can say or tell something is noiseless than another thing. And Silent is the lack of noise or sound. It is a complete adjective, so persons don’t commonly say something is very mute. If something does not make noise or sound at all, it’s silent.
  • We utilize “quiet” to define a person’s character or nature in over-all. Whereas when we utilize the term “silent” for a person, it must be used to talk about a definite situation.
  • The term “quiet” is more frequently used than “silent” as it’s infrequent that we listen to no sound or noise at all.
  • An example of quiet is “This car has a strong or powerful but quiet engine.” The sentence denotes that the car being discussed consists of an engine that maybe have much noise than other engines of cars. Therefore, the term quiet used. And the example of silent is, “You have the right to stay silent.” In this sentence, it denotes that the listener or hearer has the right to say no word completely. Therefore, the term silent utilized for the purpose, where there is the total pause or stop of sound.
  • Conclusion

    Quiet and silent are frequently used in a way together. This is only natural, as there only seems a weak difference among the two on the apparent. One has to probe into the connotation of these words to increase the information of using them suitably.
