Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Observations

September 2022 · 5 minute read

Observation is an important aspect of the scholarly study that uses qualitative or quantitative data collecting and analysis methods. Both strategies have a role in research and data collection, and they are frequently combined to get a thorough outcome. Qualitative observation is more suited to some forms of study, whereas quantitative observation is better suited to others.

Qualitative vs Quantitative Observations

The main difference between qualitative and quantitative observations is that purposive sampling is used in qualitative research to pick a small sample size to gain full knowledge of the target topic. Quantitative research, on the other hand, is based on random sampling, in which a large representative sample is chosen to generalize the findings to the entire population.

The collecting of information concerning the quality or subjective experience of occurrences or events is referred to as qualitative observation. A person doing qualitative observation gathers data by utilizing his or her senses, such as hearing, seeing, and feeling objects. It is necessary to consider the subjective character of the observations.

A quantitative observation is the collecting of data to analyze it based on numerical and statistical characteristics. The portrayal of acquired variables in terms of their amount is part of this observation. The emphasis is mostly on numbers and values. When the data gathered by quantitative observation is examined, accurate findings are achieved. The end consequence is quantitative.

Comparison Table Between Qualitative and Quantitative Observations

Parameters of ComparisonQualitative ObservationsQuantitative Observations
Type of methodSubjective methodObjective method
RequirementsJust a few are required.A huge number of subjects or participants.
Type of resultSpecific and in-depth data.Basic statistical examination of a group.
Expressed inCannot be expressed numerically.Expressed numerically.

What is Qualitative Observations?

Qualitative research entails gathering information and knowledge about a topic. It’s an unstructured, exploratory research strategy for studying extremely complicated phenomena that quantitative research can’t explain. It does, however, produce concepts or hypotheses for a future quantitative study.

Based on observation and interpretation, qualitative research is used to get an in-depth knowledge of human behavior, experience, attitudes, intentions, and motives to discover how people think and feel. It’s a type of research in which the researcher gives the participants’ opinions more weight. Qualitative research includes case studies, grounded theory, ethnography, history, and phenomenology.

Participants in qualitative data studies are typically encouraged to respond to prompts in their own words, and experiments are frequently conducted in natural situations with deception. Because the purpose of social science studies is to learn how individuals respond in natural contexts, yet lab settings aren’t natural settings, this is routinely done.

The information provided by participants in these investigations is sometimes difficult to measure.  The researcher must be aware that various ethnographic groups answer to the same topic in very different ways, and he or she must not dismiss an idea or notion based on personal prejudice.

They must also understand that specific demographics, geographic areas, and even cultural behavior can have an impact on the factors for each question. Researchers should be able to account for them, recognize trends, and map them out in the analysis.

What is Quantitative Observations?

Quantitative research is a type of study that uses natural science approaches to generate numerical data and concrete facts. It uses mathematical, computational, and statistical tools to demonstrate a cause and effect link between two variables. The study is also known as empirical research since it can be assessed correctly and precisely.

The information gathered by the researcher might be organized into categories, ranked, or quantified in terms of units of measurement. Quantitative research may be used to create raw data graphs and tables, making it easier for the researcher to analyze the results. Statistical numerical analysis techniques are used to analyze quantitative observations.

Apart from the social sciences, this is the most popular approach to research in most fields. In addition, unlike the data collected by social scientists, data that might indicate important trends or patterns often require a large number of participants. The more data gathered, the more certain the researchers may be that the study’s findings are legitimate and dependable.

Large data sets don’t disclose much about the study’s participants, but they do allow researchers to discover potentially important trends and patterns in the wider population. Quantitative data analysis occurs after all of the data has been acquired, but qualitative data is frequently examined as the data is obtained.

Unlike other types of data analysis, the quantitative analysis produces clear, quantifiable outcomes. As a result, using this data analysis approach would aid in obtaining more accurate study results. The study findings obtained by quantitative observation are usually consistent and do not vary regularly.

The data sample must be large enough for a quantitative observation to be successful. This gives researchers adequate data to come up with impartial conclusions.

Main Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Observations

  • Qualitative observation is a subjective method of acquiring data or information and on the other hand quantitative observation is a method of gathering data or information that is objective.
  • Quantitative observation necessitates a huge number of subjects or participants and on the other side qualitative observation necessitates just a few.
  • Quantitative observation gives a basic statistical examination of a group, whereas qualitative observation provides more specific and in-depth data about each and every participant.
  • Qualitative observations cannot be expressed numerically, but quantitative observations can be expressed numerically.
  • Qualitative observations are inherently changeable, but quantitative observations are not.
  • Conclusion

    When doing research, both qualitative and quantitative observations are required. Qualitative data regarding people’s feelings, ideas, and emotions are frequently collected in research, particularly in the social and psychological sciences. This data is collected through both verbal and nonverbal communication, and its analysis can provide researchers with context and frameworks to assist them to make sense of more quantitative data.

    However, there is a limit to the conclusions that can be formed from the collection of merely quantitative data. A perfect study takes into account both methodologies at the same time. Although certain topics need just one style of research, which is mostly dependent on the information requested by the researcher, there are others that do not. Quantitative research is tangible, whereas qualitative research is interpretive.


  • https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/fluidsengineering/article-abstract/106/4/390/409817/The-Lid-Driven-Cavity-Flow-A-Synthesis-of
  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0142961201003076
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmqaWWuarAwK2gr51dlruledCumKesmamutbXVnmSomqOav7et06Kmp6tf