Difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic DNA

April 2023 ยท 1 minute read
DNA is a genetic material which carries all the hereditary information needed for the development and existence of an organism.  In prokaryotes, DNA lies in cytoplasm. It is supercoiled with the helps of RNAs and nonhistone basic proteins like polyamines. In eukaryotes it is found mainly in the chromosomes  in the form of nucleoproteins. It is also found in the cytoplasmic organelles like mitochondria, chloroplast etc. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic DNA Prokaryotic DNA vs Eukaryotic DNA Prokaryotic DNA
1. DNA content is small, less 0.1 pg
2. DNA occurs freely inside the cytoplasm.
3. Organelle DNA is absent.
4. It is naked.
5. DNA is generally circular
6. Introns are absent.
7. Nonfunctional regions are fewer
8.Transposons do not occur.
Eukaryotic DNA
1. DNA content is comparatively high, more than 1 pg
2. DNA does not lie freely in the cytoplasm and the most of it is present inside the nucleus.
3. Mitochondrial and plastid (Organelle) DNA present
4. Nuclear DNA is associated with histones while organelle DNA is naked.
5. Nuclear DNA is linear. Organelle DNA may be circular or linear.
6. A cistron contains non coding regions or introns.
7. Nonfunctional DNA is quite abundant.
8. Transposons or jumping genes occur at places.
