Difference between Productivity and Production

January 2023 · 3 minute read
Key difference: Productivity is the rate at which goods are produced. Production is defined as the act of manufacturing goods for their use or sale.

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Difference between productivity and productionProductivity is the ratio of output to input in production. It is a measure of the efficiency of production. It is related to the utilization or the use of resources to produce goods. It increases output. It is the increase in output from each unit in the production process. If inputs remain the same and the production of output increases, then there is a rise in the level of productivity. If the output rises in a greater proportion than the increase in the input, there is still a proportionate rise in the level of productivity. However, if the output rises at a lower rate than the input, then there will be a fall in productivity, even though there is an increase in production on the whole. Higher productivity results in a lower cost per unit of output resulting in higher levels of profit for a company. Thus, it refers to the efficient utilization of resources. High productivity increases economic well-being. It increases the income and the standard of living of the people. It brings in money for the company.

Productivity has the following advantages:

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Difference between productivity and productionAccording to Wikipedia, production is the act of creating output, goods or services which have values and contributes to the utility of individuals. This may include factors of production other than labor. The factors of production are the inputs to the production process. The finished goods are the output. The input determines the quality of the output product. Input is the starting point and output is the end point of the production process, and such an input-output relationship is called the production function.

There are three basic factors of production: land, labor, and capital. All three are required in combination at a time to produce a commodity. In economics, production means creation or an addition of utility. Factors of production are any commodities or services used to produce goods or services. These factors are specifically referred to as primary factors. Energy and material are referred to as secondary factors. The primary factors facilitate production but neither become part of the product nor become significantly transformed by the production process. Human capital and entrepreneurship are also considered as factors of production. The factors affecting the production are as follows:

Difference between productivity and production:




It is defined as the rate at which goods are produced.

It is defined as the act of manufacturing goods for their use or sale.


It is the utilization of resources to form goods.

It is the actual process of conversion.

The work done

It is the amount of work one gets for a certain spending cost.

It is the amount of work done or manufactured that is the output.


It is the measure of efficiency.

It is the measure of produced goods.
