Difference Between President of Iran and the Supreme Leader of Iran

March 2022 · 5 minute read

The Iranian president is the head of state of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The president is the second-highest official in Iran after the Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader outlined the procedures for the presidential election and all other elections in Iran.

President of Iran vs the Supreme Leader of Iran

The main difference between the President of Iran and the Supreme Leader of Iran is the President is a popularly elected choice, but the Supreme Leader is appointed by a special committee. The President has limited power and the main powers lie in the hand of the Supreme leader. The President is under the leadership of the Supreme Leader.

The President is responsible for implementing all domestic and international policies set by the Supreme Leader, in charge of northern policy. The president nominates members of his cabinet and other positions but must be approved by Parliament. The president is the most popular elected official in Iran.

Iran’s Supreme Leader is a title given to the country’s spiritual and political leader. Iran’s Supreme Leader is a title bestowed on Iran’s religious leader. The top leader is responsible for overseeing Iran’s nuclear program and the country’s military chief, home policy, and other issues.

Comparison Table Between President of Iran and the Supreme Leader of Iran

Parameters of ComparisonPresident of IranSupreme Leader of Iran
ChosenElectedAppointed by the assembly of experts
PostOctober 24, 1979December 3, 1979
Term4 yearsLife tenure
Residing areaSa’d Abad PalaceRahbari, Tehran

What is President of Iran?

Iran is the Islamic Republic with a form of government that holds the President of Iran as head of state and head of state. The president of Iran is the head of government and is elected for four years. The Iranian president could run for office twice, but it is unclear how many times he can run. The Head of the state is also the President of Iran.

Over the past few years, Iran has faced several challenges in its economy. Sanctions imposed by the United States and the EU have damaged the country’s economy and reduced Iran’s currency. This led to a decline in Iran’s GDP last few years.

The president is the head of state and head of government in Iran. In addition to being the country’s top official, he is also a major military commander, according to article 155 of the Iranian Constitution, and should respect “the official religion”.

The president’s term year is a four-year term. A runoff election will be held with only two members in case there is no majority in the outcome of the election. The president does not have absolute powers like the Supreme Leader. The Prime Minister has the power to expel an elected president if the elected is found guilty of violating the Constitution by the High Court.

What is the Supreme Leader of Iran?

The Supreme Leader of Iran has been an unelected person since 1979. That is where the Iranian revolution took place, and a new constitution was drafted, which was approved by referendum. The Constitution states that all legislative, administrative, and judicial powers belong to the Supreme Leader.

However, according to the Iranian Constitution, this power is unlimited. For example, if there is a law that is against Islam or against other laws that apply in the country, the Supreme Leader will not allow you to be beaten into law.

The Supreme Leader also has some power over economic policies in Iran because they have veto power over any law related to economic affairs. The top leader has great power to oust ministers and change the Constitution.

The top leader nominates members of key institutions, including the Guardian Council, a 12-member council charged with ensuring that laws do not violate Islamic principles. The Supreme Leader of Iran is also referred to as the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution. The Supreme Leader directly appoints ministers of various things.

Main Differences Between President of Iran and the Supreme Leader of Iran

  • The Head of the government is President, but the Head of the state is the Supreme leader.
  • The President of Iran is popularly elected, but the Supreme Leader of Iran is appointed by an assembly of experts.
  • The post of President of Iran was decided by October 24, 1979, but the post of Supreme Leader of Iran was decided by December 3, 1979.
  • The term length of the President is 4 years, but the term length of the Supreme leader is life tenure.
  • President resides in Sa’dabad Palace, but Supreme resides in Beit Rahbari, Tehran.
  • The supreme leader is the absolute ruler, and President has limited powers.
  • Conclusion

    The ideally suited chief has absolute powers over the President of Iran and appoints himself army, authorities, and lawmakers. Initially, the constitution required a superb chief, the best priest in religious regulation. The meeting of experts elects its perfect chief.

    The standing council has the authority to approve the candidates of the council of specialists, whose members also are unilaterally appointed by way of the ideally suited leader and a part of it depends on that. The Iranian justice minister turned into appointed by way of the ultimate leader.

    The president makes choices and responds to the ultimate leader, who is the pinnacle of state. The Iranian president does not maintain absolute powers in the authorities, which are managed by the splendid chief. The president does no longer has absolute powers, just like the perfect leader before he or she may be sworn in in Parliament.

    The applicants who stand for the election need to be accredited by the government to start with. The applicants are decided on by a senior chief of the council. The Iranian president has a 4-yr period after the proper election. President is not allowed to live in electricity for 3 consecutive phrases.


  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=ay7uCwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=president+of+iran&ots=QgQsiJdK05&sig=LJ7CJKwEMruqJpzPuVNludmjH9k
  • https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00396338.2011.636514
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmqKKawKqwxKerZqeWYrazrc1mmKecXam1pnnSrqernZ2aeq2xwJ2cq2Wfm3qqvsCnZg%3D%3D