Difference Between Pound and Kg

May 2023 · 6 minute read

Pound and Kilogram are the metrics used in the measurement of physical quantity mass. Though they belong to a different system of units, they measure the mass of the object. Mass is one of the physical quantities of the object. A pound is abbreviated as lb or lbs and a kilogram is abbreviated as kg. Kg is from the S.I system or also known as the International System of units. Pound belongs to the Imperial system of units. After the year 1959, countries adopted the S.I system around the globe. Some English countries still follow the Imperial units.

Pound vs Kg

The main difference between pound and kg is the system of units they belong to. Kilogram belongs to the International System of units. Whereas the pound belongs to the Imperial system of units. Most of the countries around the globe follow the S.I units for the measuring of physical quantities. This means most of the countries use kilogram as the metric to mass. But very few countries like U.S and U.K follow the imperial system of units i.e., the pound as the physical quantity of mass.

A pound is a metric of mass that belongs to the Imperial or British system of units. A pound is represented with lb or lbs (libra). One pound equals 5/11 times of a kilogram i.e., 0.453 kgs. In Imperial units, 1pound is equal to 16 ounces. A pound is used in the U.S.A and U.K. Pound is the metric used to measure the mass. From 1st July 1959, Commonwealth countries approved the common definition of a pound and have been defined as 0.45359237 kg.

A kg is a metric used in the measurement of physical quantity mass. Kilogram belongs to the International System of Units, also known as the S.I system. In the year 1959, countries around the globe adopted this International system of units. From then kilogram is used to measure the physical quantity mass in most of the countries. One kilogram equals to thousand grams. In pounds, One kilogram equals 2.204 pounds.

Comparison Table Between Pound and Kilogram

Parameters of ComparisonPoundKg
DefinitionA pound is a metric that usually measures the mass of an object.A kilogram is a metric used to measure the physical quantity mass.
Units’ systemThe imperial system of units.S.I system of units.
AbbreviationPounds’ abbreviation is “lb” and “lbs”.Kilograms’ abbreviation is kg.
Used in countriesUsed in America and Britain.Used throughout the world.
Conversion1 pound = 0.453 kg1 kg = 2.2 pound
Quantities measuredMass and force.Only mass.

What is Pound?

Under the Imperial system of units (FPS system of units), the metric used to measure the mass of an object is a pound. A pound is used to measure the physical quantities of mass and force. Abbreviations for pound are lb and lbs. A pound is abbreviated as “lb” as it is derived from Roman Libra. Libra is abbreviated as “lb”. Till the adoption of the S.I system or International System of units by world countries, the pound is widely used for measuring the mass of the objects.


After the adoption of the International System of units, Kilogram came into use for measuring the physical quantity mass. The pound is derived from the German word. The ratio of Pound to Kilogram is 2.2: 1 i.e., one kg is 2.2 times the pound. As we know pound is from the Imperial system of units, this metric is mostly used in the U.S and U.K. Pound is not only used for measuring mass, but also for force. Another important fact is that the Pound is the currency of Britain. This currency usage is derived from one pound of silver.

What is Kg?

A kilogram is a metric used in the measurement of mass (weight). Kilogram belongs to the S.I system of units. One kilogram of mass is defined as the mass of one litre of water stored at 4° C. Kilo means thousand. The kilogram is the most widely metric for measuring mass throughout the world. Compared to a pound, the kilogram is widely used for measuring mass. Unlike a pound, a kilogram is solely used for the measurement of mass. After the adoption of the International System of units by the countries throughout the world, then kilogram has became the metric for mass. From then most of the countries use kilogram instead of pound.


A kilogram belongs to the International System of Units, which is 2.21 times heavier than pounds. Kg is abbreviated as a kilogram. The kilogram is widely used than the pound, as it is adopted as the International system of units. Since 1959, Kilogram is being widely used since then throughout the world. The kilogram is derived from the Greek word kilo which means thousand. One kilogram equals to thousand grams and is one-thousandth part of a ton.

Main Differences Between Pound and Kg

  • The ratio of the pound to kilogram is 2.2: 1 i.e., one kilogram is 2.2 times heavier than the pound. And the pound is lighter than a kilogram.
  • Both pound and kilogram are units used for measuring the mass of an object. But the pound is a metric of the Imperial system of units and kilogram belongs to the International System of units.
  • One pound equals 0.453 kilograms and One kilogram equals 2.2 pounds.
  • The kilogram is a widely used metric for measuring mass throughout the world. Whereas the pound is only used in countries like U.S.A and U.K.
  • A pound is not only used as a metric for mass, it is also used in measuring the physical quantity force. But kilogram is solely used as a metric for mass.
  • Conclusion

    We have International and local systems for units. Pound belongs to the Imperial system of units. Kilogram comes under the International system of units. A pound is mostly used in English countries. But kilogram is used throughout the world. Both the terms pound and kilogram are metrics for measuring the mass of an object.

    Pound and kilogram are in the ratio 2.2: 1. Since pound is lighter than kilogram i.e., Kilogram is 2.2 times heavier than a pound. The pound can be either the unit of force or mass, whereas a kilogram is only for mass. A kilogram is widely used throughout the world compared to the pound.


  • https://www.jstor.org/stable/24332719
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1076662/
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmqJ%2Bqu6V5wKebZqOXZA%3D%3D