Difference Between Populism and Pluralism

April 2023 · 4 minute read

The main difference between populism and pluralism is that populism is a political approach that attempts to appeal to common people who feel that the established elite groups disregard their concerns. But, pluralism is the political philosophy that holds people with different beliefs, interests, and lifestyles can peacefully coexist in the same society and participate equally in the governing process.

Populism and pluralism are two political terms we often hear in global politics. Thus, it is very important to understand the difference between populism and pluralism in the modern political landscape.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Populism 
     – Definition, Characteristics
2. What is Pluralism
     – Definition, Characteristics
3. What is the Difference Between Populism and Pluralism
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Pluralism, Populism

Difference Between Populism and Pluralism - Comparison Summary

What is Populism

Populism is a political approach that attempts to appeal to common people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. In other words, it champions the common people. Originated in the 19th century, this concept has been applied to numerous politicians, political parties, and movements since then. In populism, ‘the people’ are typically seen as morally good while ‘the elite’, who are often contrasted against the people, are portrayed as evil and corrupt. It is possible to define ‘the people’ based on class, ethnicity, nationality, etc.

Difference Between Populism and Pluralism

In contemporary society, people often associate populism with an authoritarian form of politics. This type of populism revolves around a charismatic and dominant leader who can appeal to the common people, and who presents himself as the voice of the people. Here, political parties lose their importance, and elections only serve to confirm the leader’s authority, instead of reflecting the different allegiances of the people. Most people often identify Latin American Leaders like Getúlio Vargas, Hugo Chávez, and Juan Perón as populist leaders.  Furthermore, populism is sometimes also combined with other ideologies, such as liberalism, nationalism, or socialism.  It is also important to note that people often use the term populist pejoratively to criticize politicians who pander to people’s fear and enthusiasm.

What is Pluralism?

Pluralism is the political philosophy that holds people with different beliefs, lifestyles, and backgrounds can coexist in the same society and participate equally in the governing process. According to this philosophy, a number of competing groups with different interests can share power. Moreover, pluralists believe that diverse groups promote healthy discussion and debate, which strengthen democracy. Thus, pluralism is a key factor in democracy. In fact, the most extreme case of pluralism is in pure democracy, where each person has a right to vote for every law. Moreover, liberals, who argue that tolerance of cultural, political and moral diversity is essential for freedom, often promote pluralism.Main Difference - Populism vs Pluralism

Furthermore, a lack of pluralism in society can lead to alienation of groups from society. It will also result in some people abstaining from participating in the political system.

Difference Between Populism and Pluralism


Populism is a political approach that attempts to appeal to common people who feel that the established elite groups disregard their concerns. In contrast, pluralism is the political philosophy that holds people with different beliefs, lifestyles, and backgrounds can coexist peacefully in the same society and participate equally in the governing process.


Populism is based on the voice and the interest of common people, whereas while pluralism is the belief that people with different backgrounds and lifestyles can coexist and participate equally in political processes.


The term populism and populist are often used pejoratively, whereas pluralism is not.


The main difference between populism and pluralism is that populism refers to political ideas to receive the support of common people by giving them what they want while pluralism is the political philosophy that holds people with different beliefs, interests, and lifestyles can coexist peacefully in the same society and participate equally in the governing process.


1. Munro, André. “Populism.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 10 Apr. 2019, Available here.
2. Longley, Robert. “What Is Pluralism? Definition and Examples.” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 31 July 2019, Available here.

Image Courtesy:

1. “3159217” (CC0) via Pixabay
2. “1350043” (CC0) via Pixabay
