Difference Between Polls and Surveys

February 2023 · 3 minute read

pollsPoll vs Survey
Polls and surveys are often used for the same purpose of building opinions. Though the two ‘“ polls and surveys ‘“ are almost similar in their character, they are different in many aspects.

What makes polls and surveys differ? In very simple words, Polls can be termed as quick surveys that involve only a single question.  Surveys take more time to complete and consists of multiple questions.

One of the differences between the Polls and Surveys is the duration of time taken for completing the whole procedure. The respondents participating in polls can quickly complete the procedure within a few seconds, may be it is completed at the click of a mouse. But Surveys are a bit comprehensive with so many questions. The questions in a survey are designed in such a way to extract the right information from those who participate. The surveys can come with one or two questions, or with as may as hundred questions, depending on the needs of the creator of the survey. The surveys are also done by interview or observation.

Once you participate in polls, you can view the results immediately after answering the question. But a survey report doesn’t come that fast. Lots of analysis and comparison studies are needed to bring out comprehensive results.

Polls are quick and short questionnaires while surveys are longer and more in-depth. Polls are generally used for tracking the views of people on certain social, political and environmental issues. Normally polls are used in politics and elections. Surveys have a broader area and they are often used in the marketing field to get accurate feed back from the customers.

Surveys focus on factual information depending on its purpose. The questions that one can come across in surveys are structured and standardized. Questions in a poll are seen to be hurriedly written and does not convey any particular meaning. In short, surveys are direct and polls are somewhat indirect. While the surveys have depth, the polls lack this.

Another difference one can come across is that surveys can get paid whereas polls do not. People can join any paid surveys and get money for their valuable time in answering questions.

Polls are often seen embedded in the websites or in blogs. But the surveys cannot be embedded in such a way, as they need more attention.

1. Polls are quick surveys that involve only a single question. Surveys take more time to complete and consist of multiple questions.
2. The respondents participating in polls can quickly complete the procedure within a few seconds. Surveys are a bit comprehensive with so many questions.
3. Once you participate in polls, you can view the results immediately after answering the question. But a survey report doesn’t come that fast.
